day 1 for me: this is day 1 of my road to... - No Smoking Day

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day 1 for me

nsd_user663_5048 profile image
16 Replies

this is day 1 of my road to quitting.

today started off with me waking up in the morning (of course) and just booting the PS3 up, until my mum came home, she likes to nag me alot, so shes nagging me etc etc and then cravings really start to kick in.

eventaully we started to have a good afternoon with me on my PS3 and my mum doin what she pleases. now as its friday morning (uk time) i am here shaking at the minute (due to my cravings i belive) and havnt had a cigerette at all since my very last 1 on wednesday

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nsd_user663_5048 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Welcome to these forums. You've done the right thing to quit. You are likely to get moody, feel quite flakey, irrational etc, but this will be nothing compared to what you would put your body through in your life time if you didn't.

Have you seen the amount of poisons that cigs contain anyway? no wonder we coughed so much when we first tried them.. now i totally know why, and i'm more informed about them.. no way am i going back to them now.. its worth the horrible feelings u get in the beginning, you see the benefits quite quickly, as will your girlfriend in your case.

You've soooo done the right thing.

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

Welcome to these forums. You've done the right thing to quit. You are likely to get moody, feel quite flakey, irrational etc, but this will be nothing compared to what you would put your body through in your life time if you didn't.

Have you seen the amount of poisons that cigs contain anyway? no wonder we coughed so much when we first tried them.. now i totally know why, and i'm more informed about them.. no way am i going back to them now.. its worth the horrible feelings u get in the beginning, you see the benefits quite quickly, as will your girlfriend in your case.

You've soooo done the right thing.

cheres for that mate

she keeps saying to me that there dangerous for me and contain alot of ****

now you put it that way will all the posions in cigs...i googled it and my god i had a shock, i only thought it was 1 or 2, i can now see why they cause caner as well from all de **** in them

nsd_user663_5031 profile image


I used to hate it when older people nagged me, but god, I wish I could be your age now, i'd throw them straight in the bin, and never light another one. I dare say most people on here, if not all, would say the same.

I actually got into ciggies from smoking weed when I was about your age, I smoked weed for a good couple of years on and off before I even touched a ciggie, then once I had one, I was hooked.

Like I say, I hope you do quit for good, I know what I would do looking back!

nsd_user663_5048 profile image


I used to hate it when older people nagged me, but god, I wish I could be your age now, i'd throw them straight in the bin, and never light another one. I dare say most people on here, if not all, would say the same.

I actually got into ciggies from smoking weed when I was about your age, I smoked weed for a good couple of years on and off before I even touched a ciggie, then once I had one, I was hooked.

Like I say, I hope you do quit for good, I know what I would do looking back!

woah weed, that must of done a lil damage to ur wallet/purse (not sure if ur male or female) but i was speaking to one of my ex girlfriend's a few days ago telling her i was going to quid and shes like, "oh no i aint quitting weed, smoking it is cool" oh dear people who think smoking is cool still exist:eek:

i got addicted on a mixture of cigs and roll ups, but no more for me ever again:)

even though i am on day 1 i still got along way to go:(b worth it though i bet:D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Geoff :)

Well done no fag since Wednesday is great just take it a day at a time for now

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and send every new member of the forum

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I smoked 20 a day for 15 years prior to this quit..

currently the brand i 'used to buy', is £5.70 a packet of 20.

Every day, every week, every month.. every year.. for 15 years

£5.70 * 365 (days in year) = £2080.50

Take that £2080.50 and spread that across a 15 year addiction that i fed?

£2080.50 * 15 = £31207.50

Now here you are at 16 years of age, basically your whole life ahead of you and you can make a real lifestyle choice that many end up wishing they had made at the point they considered even smoking that first ever cigarette, do you continue as you had been? believing that smoking helped you concentrate? relax you? Relieved boredom? or just something to do while in a social gathering..believing the lies that smoking addiction has got you believing, and all the while damaging your body in ways you will never imagine. Or you can do as you've decided and take control of this addiction, quit it for good, and see a whole world of possibilities that if you had continued to smoke would have been wholly impossible.

Smoking creates illusions to you as a smoker.. the addiction you religeously feed when smoking kids you up to believe so many things as being positive reasons to smoke.. yet think about it.. do they relax you? or do they actually just cure your need for the fix? do they help you concentrate? or do they just stop the lack of concentration that craving a fix has created, do they relieve boredom? or could it just be that due to all the money you've spent on smoking you've little money left over for some of the nicer things and less harmful things in life. Do they even help in a social gathering any more? or do they just serve as a reminder to everyone that they need that fix?

No, at 16 you are at a perfect age to be claiming back the control of your own life, whatever reasons you had for smoking in the first place are borne out of an illusion, so see that illusion for what it is.. the addiction, and get out of the trap before its sprung so hard later in life that it has you doubting you could ever stop.

Anyone can stop smoking, they just need to physically stop smoking and taking in nicotine.. whether is money, health reasons, a wish to get your life back in control or whatever your reason which you've chosen for yourself, there is never a wrong time to stop. Just a right time. No matter what stress you have in life, that should never stand in the way of quitting.

They aint cool, they don't even provide any real benefits, in fact the only people really laughing about it are the manufacturers of them who for a long time have been leading very comfortable lives from the misery of others wildly addicted to their products and the lies that the addiction they create makes.

Good luck on your quit m8y, i wish i was in your shoes with so much possibilities open again.

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

I smoked 20 a day for 15 years prior to this quit..

currently the brand i 'used to buy', is £5.70 a packet of 20.

Every day, every week, every month.. every year.. for 15 years

£5.70 * 365 (days in year) = £2080.50

Take that £2080.50 and spread that across a 15 year addiction that i fed?

£2080.50 * 15 = £31207.50

Now here you are at 16 years of age, basically your whole life ahead of you and you can make a real lifestyle choice that many end up wishing they had made at the point they considered even smoking that first ever cigarette, do you continue as you had been? believing that smoking helped you concentrate? relax you? Relieved boredom? or just something to do while in a social gathering..believing the lies that smoking addiction has got you believing, and all the while damaging your body in ways you will never imagine. Or you can do as you've decided and take control of this addiction, quit it for good, and see a whole world of possibilities that if you had continued to smoke would have been wholly impossible.

Smoking creates illusions to you as a smoker.. the addiction you religeously feed when smoking kids you up to believe so many things as being positive reasons to smoke.. yet think about it.. do they relax you? or do they actually just cure your need for the fix? do they help you concentrate? or do they just stop the lack of concentration that craving a fix has created, do they relieve boredom? or could it just be that due to all the money you've spent on smoking you've little money left over for some of the nicer things and less harmful things in life. Do they even help in a social gathering any more? or do they just serve as a reminder to everyone that they need that fix?

No, at 16 you are at a perfect age to be claiming back the control of your own life, whatever reasons you had for smoking in the first place are borne out of an illusion, so see that illusion for what it is.. the addiction, and get out of the trap before its sprung so hard later in life that it has you doubting you could ever stop.

Anyone can stop smoking, they just need to physically stop smoking and taking in nicotine.. whether is money, health reasons, a wish to get your life back in control or whatever your reason which you've chosen for yourself, there is never a wrong time to stop. Just a right time. No matter what stress you have in life, that should never stand in the way of quitting.

They aint cool, they don't even provide any real benefits, in fact the only people really laughing about it are the manufacturers of them who for a long time have been leading very comfortable lives from the misery of others wildly addicted to their products and the lies that the addiction they create makes.

Good luck on your quit m8y, i wish i was in your shoes with so much possibilities open again.

crickey, my cigs costed a lil more to be honest but still its an awaful addiction, thatnks for this essay or a reply and its really good, very ap...urm...apershaite (is that right, sorry im dislexic) it

glad you have quit mate, well done, how long did it take can i ask?

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Well i'll not lie, this is my 4th time trying to quit.

Attempt 1 was when my fiancé was pregnant, i went 6 months and i stupidly asked my uncle for a smoke once when we were moving house. House move for me was stressy and i stupidly thought 1 smoke would be something i could just end at the one. Nope, that didn't stop at 1 :/

Attempt 2: Last year, i stopped for 8 months, and lo n behold, christmas time, not stressful .. but can you believe i actually kidded myself into a christmas treat of a cigar.. bought 10 café creme mini cigars with the intention of smoking just the 1.. threw the other 9 in the bin with my fiancé making sure i did. Smoked the one, which tbh, tasted horrible.. and yet.. once the lights went out that night i woke in the middle of the night and fished the tin with the other 9 out of the bin... thats the addiction re-took control.

Attempt 3: This year in march, i tried to quit again.. got to 4 days, but wasn't i believe prepared for the day 4 moodies, and i caved in.

Attempt 4: THIS TIME.. and this quit, i just bought patches in, didn't decide a day to quit, i just picked it at random based on how many cigs i had left in my packet by early evening. As it happens it turned out to be a saturday night on the 11th of July, the fiancé and I had a good film out from blockbuster, and a nice bottle of 12 year old Rioja wine... was a good night, enjoyed the films and at 10pm i smoked my last cigarrette and left the last 1/3rd of it in defiance and from that point on and to this day now, i've not smoked since.

Day 27 today, and tomorrow will be my last day of my first month quit.. whoohooo!!!

I can definitely say that keeping a positive frame of mind is an advantage and seeing all the withdrawal signs/symptoms as being nothing more than your addiction trying to fight for supremacy. I've had some tough days, i've had many more good days.. but i'm still not smoking. You'll get there too.. just stick at it.

We aint out the woods yet :)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Did u mean how long did it take me to type my previous reply btw?

I type at 60-80 words per minute, so not long, i often type at the same speed i can think thankfully :)

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

well at least your not giving up giving up with all those attempts, being honest this is my 3rd time im deciding to quit so 3rd time lucky:D

ill keep a postivie frame in mind, when you mentioned about the final time you decided to quit i did kind of the same thing but i finished the last box off so i havnt got a single 1 left in the house:D

i heard its true the 1st few days are hard and my god i can definatly see why people say it, this is the hardest thing ive ever done and ever probably will do:eek:cant wait to get it all out the way though (positive frame of mind kicking in):)

i also sent my girl some links to the days and threads ive made so she can check it out as well as she is propably #1 in my life who has my back with all the quitting and shes supporting me and helping me alot which is very good cuz i dont think i could of decided to quit without her support, and now i got people on here as well so its a very good feeling

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Well paige sounds like a lovely lass, and to be so supportive of you speaks volumes about her as a person. Hang on to paige Geoff, you got a good'un there!!

Keep the faith geoff, this may be the toughest thing you ever have to do in your life, but it will benefit you in so many ways, the least of which actually being the money you save.

Well being and health is by far the most important i think :)

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

shes an awesome girl, i am really glad to have her and i really want to keep her

the money and the health are 2 main factors but also due to my age i got the rest of my life ahead of me and i dont really want to ruin it, regardless of ages i think everyone else on here dont want to throw any more precious minutes of there lives away because of smoking

it is going to be really hard but i am up for it this time:D

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

good for you. With help and heck, just folk to talk to.. you're already well on your way.

Just stick at it is all, i think you will, and you know you will.

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

im really ready for it ive made myself a qutting advent calander (dont know why, just got nothing to do i supose and had xmas and advent calanders in mind);)

we will both keep at it:D

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

Hi Geoff,

Im a male, lol.

Regarding the weed and stuff, I smoked weed from 14-17, not every day, just at weekends or occasionally. However, I had a 3 month spell of smoking it every day when I was 17, then we ran out one day and thats when I smoked my first fag. Im 37 now, so that was some time ago.

I never smoked weed to be cool, or fags, probably because I was cool enough, I smoked them because I enjoyed them (or was addicted). However, both are addictive, and I quit the weed when I was 18, and have never touched it since. I didnt need it when I had my beloved B&H Gold did I, lol.

In fact, when it comes to cool, id say not smoking fags or weed is cool, and smoking is un-cool.

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

Hi Geoff,

Im a male, lol.

Regarding the weed and stuff, I smoked weed from 14-17, not every day, just at weekends or occasionally. However, I had a 3 month spell of smoking it every day when I was 17, then we ran out one day and thats when I smoked my first fag. Im 37 now, so that was some time ago.

I never smoked weed to be cool, or fags, probably because I was cool enough, I smoked them because I enjoyed them (or was addicted). However, both are addictive, and I quit the weed when I was 18, and have never touched it since. I didnt need it when I had my beloved B&H Gold did I, lol.

In fact, when it comes to cool, id say not smoking fags or weed is cool, and smoking is un-cool.

yeah i think smoking is un-cool, i only had 1 spliff and that was it as i was living on my marlboro reds and l&b's (rarley l&b) to keep me "calm"

i hope i can now live the rest of my life without cigs

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