Day 1 for Me - edgy: Hi there I'm glad I... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 1 for Me - edgy

nsd_user663_4758 profile image
19 Replies

Hi there

I'm glad I found this forum. After 30 years of smoking (started very young) have decided to quit one and for all. I quit drinking a year ago and now it's time to quit this addiction. I think it will be a similar experience. Today I am feeling on edge. Morning ok but now it is later in the afternoon and the kids are at home I really don't have much patience at all. I hope this will be my worst day but I doubt it. Taking it easy and not doing too much though enough to keep my mind off the cigs. I think this site will keep me busy and informed so I am really looking forward to reading more though I know it is all up to me. Look forward to posting more. Just have to keep at it!

Annie D rating out of 10 as to how I am feeling 9/10 (bad)

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nsd_user663_4758 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_4544 profile image

Hi Annie,

Welcome to the forum.Like you I was pleased to have found this forum as it has been a great help to me. Stopping smoking is the best decision you can make.

Read and read more about smoking and it's affects and the addition and it will help you stop smoking knowledge is power.




nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Hiya, and welcome to the forum.

Most people find that the first week is a bit of an endurance, but after that it starts to get a little easier.

You have made a great decision, trust me - I'm a quitter!!

Almost at the 9 month mark myself, and I can honestly say that it really does get to the point where it just fades away.... there is no huge "I've done it" moment but over time it does just happen.

Education is absolutely key, understanding your addiction (noone else can tell you how you feel, only you can understand it by reading - the more you read, the more you understand) and what will happen to you and your body as it starts to heal will help you more than you could possibly believe.

Try some of the sites in my signature, as well as this forum - invest the time and watch it pay you back tenfold!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome Annie

Congrats on your first day the first few days are the worse but things so get easyer. I smoked 40 a day for 35 years so it can be done. You will have good support and advice here. Just take it a day at a time hour at a time if need be. just focus on the day your in.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Annie

Welcome to the forum.

I hope your first day has been going ok. Quiting is one of the best decisions you will ever make. Read up on your addiction, the knowledge will help you. Post often to let us know how you are getting on. Stay strong.


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Hi there, I can only mirror what the others said. I have been quit 5 months and in previous quits I would secretly smoke an occasionaly one and pretend to the world I had totally quit. I was convinced I would do the same this time. I never felt I would be strong enough to do it. The links on here to other information, the support from others and supporting others made me do it. Im not pretending its been an easy ride all of the time, but its something you can achieve. xx

nsd_user663_4367 profile image


Hi Annie, You will find brilliant support on this site, and good luck with your quit, Ha ha Fiona I can relate to your post about "being a secrect smoker", I gave up 3 half years ago and after couple of months started again without anyone knowing, But not this time....Kaz :D

nsd_user663_4628 profile image

Back to day 1

Hi i am back to day 1 tomorrow as it is my daughters birthday and she and my family are wanting me to give up, just came back from the no smoking clinic neither use or ornament she was sat there looking at her watch most of the time waste of taxi money,i know this is a open forum which is great but i need someone i can talk to to check in at a certain time and know if i have smoked i would have somone to answer to do you know what i mean if it is possible would that be ok and still come on the forum, i am not sexist by any means but i would a like to another woman(i am not that way either nothing wrong with it )i felt great last week when i had done 10 days so annoyed with myself for going back ,another reason i need someone as i am house bound only way round is taxi or lifts as i suffer from a slipped disk and when my back goes i just hit the deck with pain so i am limited and if there is someone else like me who ants a chit chat about smoking and other things it would make it easier i think also for the other person sorry to go on many thanks pat

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi there

I'm glad I found this forum. After 30 years of smoking (started very young) have decided to quit one and for all. I quit drinking a year ago and now it's time to quit this addiction. I think it will be a similar experience. Today I am feeling on edge. Morning ok but now it is later in the afternoon and the kids are at home I really don't have much patience at all. I hope this will be my worst day but I doubt it. Taking it easy and not doing too much though enough to keep my mind off the cigs. I think this site will keep me busy and informed so I am really looking forward to reading more though I know it is all up to me. Look forward to posting more. Just have to keep at it!

Annie D rating out of 10 as to how I am feeling 9/10 (bad)

Hi Annie :)

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK

Best Wishes

Marg xxxxxxxx

jackieinv profile image

Hi Annie

I agree with what the others have recommended, just wanted to welcome you to our cyber home.


nsd_user663_4197 profile image

stick with it!

Annie, just wanted to say hi and welcome. stick with it, it is really worth it. lots of support here for you whenever its needed :D

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Welcome to the forum.... we're happy to have you! I know what if feels like to not have patience when all is well and happy with the rest of the family.... they understand, yet they don't? We'll be your extended understanding family :) You made a good decision.... next few weeks will challenge you BUT each day it will get a little easier. Learn about your addiction, read up as it will strengthen your resolve daily. Good luck!!

nsd_user663_4758 profile image

I am nearly through Day 2 Feeling 8/10 (bad 10)

:confused:Hello all you wonderful supporters

I made it!! Day 1 and now nearly through Day 2 - it has been really hard! Last night I had a smoking dream - I had heard about drinking dreams (never had one) but a smoking dream - hells bells. I couldn't wait to get on and have a look if I had any replies - got to go am doing a course - at least it is keeping me busy. Feel agitated but somehow getting through day 1 gives me hope. I think that was the hardest day and this is the 2nd hardest day. Should I post here or should I go to day 2? I have a feeling I am going to be on this forum a lot! THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN - it's just nice knowing I am not doing this alone (even though I am in a way) but knowing that you are all there I believe will really benefit me - it already has. Thanks again.

Annie D x

Can't wait til I can post a smiley icon!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Annie :D

Well done getting to day 2 that's great just hang in there OK and keeping busy is a good way of getting through OK and it will get easier for you just be patient

As for the smiley faces they're easy

If you want one above your post click on one from the bottom

If you want one in the post as I have here click on one at the side and it will appear as letters, dots whatever wherever you've left the cursor, but when you submit the reply or thread they appear properly

Hope that makes sense to you


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Forum Addiction??

Ha ha Annie, sounds like u may be getting addicted to the forum now, Keeps your mind busy.... Soon u will be counting in weeks and not days...U are doing fantastic... Smoking dreams are weird, I had them for a while.....

Some mornings was convinced I had a cig, and was so pleased I hadnt. Even thought I could smell smoke (how strange).....

It soon goes though. So stick with it and u will soon see the benefits...Kaz x:)

nsd_user663_4628 profile image

hi annie

Hi Annie first day for me to-day again stated smoking again the other day i thought i could have i after tea and then all my urges came back so i wont be doing that again this time i had been on day 10 as well so in my book i was doing good it is like a board of snakes and ladders one day you are reaching the top and the next wrong move you are at the bottom again,I went to the smoking clinic yesterday what a waste of time and taxi fare i joined a month ago and she has cancelled to appointments and now she said to go back in a fortnight itis though she did not want to know once i had told her i had slipped i cold had lied but i think in the future i might just come and write what i feeling to you lot as you have all made more sense than her i don't think she was any older than 19 i have smoked longer than she has been on this earth,can i ask all of you something did you feel tired as though you had no life left in you, i feel for you annie as you have got children at least i can go for a lie down ar a quiet bath so my heart goes out to you will be back later to see how you have got on best wishes pat

nsd_user663_4758 profile image

Nearly Over Day 2

Patty Pat

Good luck to you too!

Marg - thanks for your advice - appreciated.

Karen - thanks

Re. smilies - sorry, I didn't explain myself so well. I know how to do them it's just that I don't feel like putting a smiley face up as that is not exactly how I am feeling. I look forward to the day that I can put the smiley smile up because that will be the day that all is good and I feel as though I have tackled this once and for all.

Tiredness - no I'm not feeling that way inclined. This morning I went for a nice long walk with the dog which always picks me up. I have decided to walk every day so that I can combat the weight gain I could encounter which will only depress me more! I know that some people go back to smoking because they have put on weight and I don't want that excuse. Hardest part of this is breaking the old routines of when I lit up. Just having to find other ways of doing things so that I don't think about it. It is on my mind a lot but then again it is all new. Day 2 nearly done and am 2 days closer to being a non-smoker - when does the anxiety go?

Thanks again everyone. All support gratefully accepted.

Should I go to Day 3 on the forum or keep posting here?

Kids aren't terrifically supportive - when I get jittery with them they tell me to go and have a cigarette - teenagers! Typical.

nsd_user663_4628 profile image

Hi anne very well done i just come back from having a meal as it my youngest daughter birthday as she is 25 god i felt old the oldest being 33 years old but now i ave my grandchildren to answer to, well know is the time i would light up as my husband and myself are settled down to watch tv for the night, he has been so good going outside for a fag he does not smoke that many not as much as i do,I am going to watch tv now with hubby so i will be back tomorrow good luck to you all, and a big thank you to marg ,so see you all in the morning god bless to you all pat

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Pat :D

Sorry your no smoking nurse wasn't much use, I had no faith in mine either especially after I found she herself smoked oh boy

Hope you enjoyed the meal with your daughter and so day one is nearly over for you now

It is normal to feel very tired early in a quit but it really won't last for long

You should go to day three tomorrow OK

Hi Annie :D

Well done day 2 nearly over for you that's great

I have good news for you. You're already a non Smoker you became one the second you put out that last fag OK

The anxiety varies from person to person as we're all different so are our quits

Love to you both

Marg xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4758 profile image

Day 3 AM

Going to write in 'Day 3' of forum as suggested.

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