Day 1 for me on the lozenges, Using the Nicorette cools 4mg lozenges - does anybody know how these compare with the cheaper supermarket own brand 4mg lozenges in terms of size and taste etc ?
Day 1 for me on the lozenges,: Day 1 for me... - No Smoking Day
Day 1 for me on the lozenges,

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5 Replies
Thanks Karri

HercuValued Contributor
Friar...Welcome and sorry I have got no experience with lozenges.. What ever the means congratulations on your decision to quit and stay strong !!
Thanks Hercu i like the lozenges.

RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free
Hey FriarTuck, welcome and well done on making the best decision of your life to quit, I too have no experience with the lozenges but whatever helps you not to smoke. Stay close to the forum and read up on posts here at this stage of your quit, good luck, I look forward to reading your progress
I used the lozenges and found the cheap supermarket own brand just as good and half the price. The only trouble was they only came in 4mg so when I cut down my dosage I had to but the expensive ones again. Good luck they worked really well for me.