Worrying cough: This is rubbish. 18 weeks... - No Smoking Day

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Worrying cough

nsd_user663_4026 profile image
17 Replies

This is rubbish. 18 weeks done and for the last 4 weeks I have had a cough worse than my lovingly worked on smokers cough. Within two weeks of quitting I had gotten rid of that and the black lung gunk and thought I was sorted. Now its back and I have begun to convince myself in a hypocondriactal kind of manner that I was too late with my quit and now have some kind of lung disease. Can't breath in, can't breath out without a cough and feel like all that free space in my lungs I got after quitting smoking has gone.

Has anyone else found this has occured?

Mrs coughalot.

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nsd_user663_4026 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Fiona, I think it would be wise to consult a doctor. Maybe its nothing, but why worry about it when peace of mind can be achieved by a simple appointment. Wishing you the best.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image


Hi Fiona,

Sorry to hear you are suffering. I guess everyones body deals with getting rid of the c**p in a different way. I coughed constantly before I gave up & my COPD was getting really bad. Whenever I have stopped including this time MY cough always clears up REALLY quickly. Other people cough up yuk etc. I don't so heaven knows where it has gone :(

I would say if you are in ANY doubt get yourself to the GP & get it checked & put your mind at rest hun.

Love Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Docs it is then. Thanks for your replys and suggestions guys, and thanks for the link mr b, all makes sense! Will go tomorrow and be told I am an ars* for worrying by my doc (hopefully the most attractive male doc and not the old witch like wrinkly lady one) and then stop stressing. xx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Good luck tomorrow

Better to be a healthy a**e than a poorly a**e ;)

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Make sure you let us know how you get on. Hopefully they will be able to give you something to clear it up.

Too be honest I think we should all go for a check up when we stop smoking just to make sure everything is healing properly. Then again I am a chicken when it comes to drs, dentists etc:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Fiona :(

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling poorly with that cough Like the others I suspect this is the result of your lings having another clear out

But rather than worrying about this as you are and imagining all sorts of nasty's go and see your Dr to set your mind at rest and in case he/she gets nasty I.m sending by fed ex my steel toecap shoes so you can give a good kicking to him/her Mel will tell you they're real good ones for that :D


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Hey girlfriend! Hope your visit with the doc goes well! Don't worry.... you'll be fine! Maybe it's even allergies! Pretty bad this year in our parts! Hope you're doing well..... I've had a couple a hard weeks so I've not wanted to post with my bad attitude :) Let me know how the doc visit went so I don't have ta worry!! Big hug XXXX

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

doc most nice and understanding. Checked me over and is treating me for a chest infection. Sadly he also confirmed I have early onset of arthritis in my hip which is a bit rubbish at 40. Serves me right for doing too much sport as a kid. And puts a stop on my trampoline coaching. And he reckons I would benefit from some happy pills. Oh joy! Anyway, I am sure all will fine, and at least there is no lung disease!!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Fiona :)

Glad to hear there is no lung dicease just a chest infection

Sorry about the hip and happy pills which you don't sound to happy about but at least you know the chest will be OK in afew days


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Fiona,

Glad that you GP is gonna treat you as having a chest infection, hopefully that will solve that problem.

The arthritis I can sympathise with, not that I have it but my hubby does & is not much older than you. Being treated badly by NHS but being a man will not shout about it (lol but not in a good way).

Happy pills hopefully will just help you get over this bad patch & give you strength to get through. Have been through a lot of what you are going throught but do not wnt to lay to much for the world to see if you know what I mean.

Keep strong hun, pm me if you wnat to. Routing for you.

Love Gaynor. xxx

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Hi Fiona really glad you went and the dr is going to sort out your problems. With in a week or two you should start to feel a lot better.

Sending you a big hug get well soon ((((((((Fiona))))))) :)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

doc most nice and understanding. Checked me over and is treating me for a chest infection. Sadly he also confirmed I have early onset of arthritis in my hip which is a bit rubbish at 40. Serves me right for doing too much sport as a kid. And puts a stop on my trampoline coaching. And he reckons I would benefit from some happy pills. Oh joy! Anyway, I am sure all will fine, and at least there is no lung disease!!

So sorry about the arthritis bit... I know you love your trampoline coaching.... Hope the happy pills will help you! Seems like we are still going through the highs and lows..... me thinks it's them hormones :( All will be well! Big hug from your quit buddy!!!

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Thanks for the lovely support. Have to say, yesterday I suffered a good few strong pangs and an urge or two to buy some! Glad to say I didn't and although there were cravings I knew it would not make anything better so pleased I passed that test! Pills I can cope with. Chest infection will clear (phew, no cancer!!!)Hip and halt on sport I am not so sure.. Thanks again guys. Had massive hair chop in 80s pixie fashion and a fat curry on the way tonight so much more cheery! x

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Glad you're feeling better! Maybe the trampoline is not such a good idea right now but how about yoga? I just started hot yoga and I have been feeling sooooo much better! Just an idea :)

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

hot yoga? Never heard of that one, sounds exciting!

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

thanks mr b. did make me feel a bit proud i abstained.

nsd_user663_4119 profile image

Sorry Fi, I have spent the last week painting and decorating and its only today I have been able to have a good read through the site.

Sorry to hear your news about the arthritis and the trampolining. Good news about the chest. Before I saw the diagnosis I was going to report that my chest has got worse these last few weeks but not bad enough for me to go to the docs. I am assuming I will still be entitled to my share of the coughs and colds that do the rounds!!

Hope you have had a good weekend.



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