I had another CMP and CBC yesterday. Background: I got my first Besremi shot on January 28. I asked to start at 50 mcg. Second shot was 60 mcg and third was 70mcg.
After six weeks, I'm thrilled to see changes in my counts:
My WBC went from 15 to 10.8 (while it can fluctuate, it doesn't have a drop like this unless I've done a ProLon fasting mimic 5-day fast). And, it hasn't been 10 or lower for over two years.
My HCT was 40.8 a few days after starting Besremi as I had just had a PB. Yesterday, it was 38! Of course, with PV it doesn't go down it just keeps moving up unless I've had a PB.
PLT was 499 down from 717. I assume that will continue to drop if I don't need to have phlebotomies.
It is believed Besremi, like most Inteferons, might take a while to have an impact but that hasn't been true for me.
I'm lucky that I've had no symptoms or issues so far taking the drug.
There was a note from my hematologist in my chart with the test results:
"Your sodium and chloride are both a bit low. Often that can indicate a need to increase fluids intake. Please try to hydrate well. "
I drink a lot of water, but I'll figure out how to drink more without camping near the bathroom.
I'm celebrating...maybe no more more phlebotomies? I could have a "normal" ferritin count after 5 years.