I've been on Besremi now for about 11 months, although increased extremely slowly. Even more slowly than the 50 mcg biweekly increase. But I've been at 350 mcg for a while now. At my recent specialist visit, my platelets remain good, but I've continued to need phlebotomies with no improvement. Even though my liver numbers slightly worsened when I last was at 400, the doctor felt I should increase my dose to 500 to see if that would control HCT.
I also have now had 3 tests with allele burden as follows:
March 2023 (BMB): 14.1
May 2023 started Besremi - very slow titration
Sept 2023 reached 350 mcg Besremi
Oct 2023 14.9 allele burden
Apr 2024 14.5 allele burden
So I haven't had much of an impact for allele burden. It appears that perhaps once my dose was higher that it may have helped with the numbers, although the allele burden is so close, it's probably statistically just noise. We will see if my body can sustain the higher dose and whether it will impact my allele burden and potentially control my HCT.