Hi All,
Latest test results showed that I need a phlebotomy: My HCT was 44.5 and though I'm slightly increasing my Besremi dose (now at 160ish), it hasn't kept the HCT under my target of 42.
I went ahead and got a phlebotomy this past weekend--the full amount of 500ml. the previous one I had was 250ml in May of this year. I'm going to miss having some iron in my body!
Also, a little disappointing: my JAK2 burden hasn't dropped much since starting Besremi as the latest test showed.
4/1/2022 it was 56.13% and on 10/25/2022 it was 53.56%. I thought it was a some progress, but my HEM didn't seem impressed.
My liver enzymes were elevated slightly again: 39.