UPDATE: 9/12/2022 two weeks after previous CMP. Besremi dose at 150mg.
My ALT was is the normal range at 31. It dropped nine points.
As ET guy suggested the last ALT result of 41 could have been an outliner. Or, while I don't drink alcohol that often I did have 2 drinks the week I did the previous CMP. For me, it looks like my liver can deal with Besremi but not alcohol and Besremi.
My hematocrit also dropped a bit to 40.9. No "baby" phlebotomy since June. The Besremi seems to now be having an impact on my hematocrit, thought not as pronounced as WBC, PLT, etc.
Eight months on Besremi. I have had two "baby" phlebotomies, one in June. HCT is 41 and I keep it at 42 so I will schedule another phlebotomy next month, if it goes up.
For the first time my ALT (Alanine Transferase) is not in range: 41. I haven't discussed it yet with my HEM. Last month it was 29.
UPDATE: My HDL cholesterol was low for the first time. The "good" cholesterol: 35. It has always been over 45.