Hi Community,
I shared prior that I upped my Besremi dose from 150 to 180 the past two months.
All was going well with several benefits which hadn't happened the past 18 months on Besremi:
My JAK2 Allele dropped more than 20%, I have not needed a PB for months which means I now have normal iron numbers, and my RBC was in the normal range which it hasn't been since DX years ago.
I attribute these benefits to the increased dose, even thought it was minimal.
But, my WBC's have been trending downwards, (see image: Lymphocytes: 0.9, Neutrophils 1.6). As a result, my HEM suggested I go back to 150. If WBC doesn't stabilize, he told me to reduce to 100 every two weeks.
I know others on Besremi have had similar issues with WBC getting too low.
I wish we could find a way to bump up our WBC's to the normal range while allowing Besremi to reduce HCT, RBC, PLT RDW, etc, and Allele Burden.