I thought you might be interested in an update of my experience to date with Besremi.
I started on Besremi 6 months ago as I was proving to be HU resistant and Pegasys and Ruxolitnib were both considered inappropriate due to my medical history.
For the first 3 months I transitioned off HU by reducing my tablets by 1/week while gradually increasing my fortnightly injection of Besremi. I started the transition by reducing HU to 15 tablets/week supplemented by a small injection of 50 mcg of Besremi. The effect of Besremi was immediate and dramatic as I no longer require venesections and since this initial dose I have achieved complete haematological response.
I have since increased the Besremi gradually to 250 mcg every 2 weeks with no side effects and my consultant has described the result so far as excellent and transformative.
I am discussing with my consultant whether to increase the period between injections from 2 weeks to initially 3 weeks and eventually every 4 weeks.
I am very happy to be on Besremi as it seems to be having a positive impact on my PV while allowing me to live a normal life.
Please bear in mind that this is my experience of Besremi and should you start on a course of treatment your experience may differ for better or worse.