I had a miscarriage last year, took 2 weeks off work due to this then went back thinking everything was ok...now I went to pick up the remains for a service next week it a has all come flooding back..the pain, the questions as to why did this happen, the rest of my depression and anxiety including my downfall of confidence
I spoke to my doctor and he has recommended I go back on my Sertraline and take a further 2 weeks off to see how everything goes....I am trying to find support groups, I am trying to get my head together but not knowing where my mental health has stemmed from in the first place makes it all the more difficult.
Does anybody know of any apps that may help (preferrably free or low cost as i'm not made of money) or any support/community groups? I am located in Stockport so any in the North-West would be helpful.
Or just any advice, techniques or even just a different perspective on this...I have self-referred for Psychotherapy but still awaiting on all of that and I feel actually just talking to people and having a chat and a laugh would be better therapy than just talking to a paid professional who will just ask how "how do you feel about that?"