Have had mental health problems since children had every for treatment by the best child Proof Rutter go on list of disorders post traumatic stress Bi polar lot years personality have insight into hospital admissions also forensic treated in prisons young all over approved schools dentation centres hospital ECT over 100 on various admissions recovering alcoholic 25 years had C B T inpatient out patent yes take medication sleep only according to psychiatrist's took every prescribed medication have have cancer prostrate treated at present skin cancer had spot on forehead go GP to refer me it was cancer they got it removed it big root can give advice on medication most illness as have had them not into drugs but have knowledge if you go any outside group A A NA lot of them full with people know fuck all they will put wrong and abuse your trust it called addictions
Lord Lambeth: Have had mental health... - Mental Health Sup...
Lord Lambeth

hello i am sorry to hear that you suffers from mental health problems i do as well and i have anxiety and that's not easy to cope with at all. have you tried anything to help you to cope i am on medication for my anxiety i feel it helps some days but other days i just feel so low in myself. but i got told talking to people helps with mental health problems as it takes it off your chest at times but i know that its not also easy to do that. i find it really hard as i feel that no one understands what i am going through in my own head. i am here if you want to talk. and i would benefit the same talking to someone on here x

Hello had it all my life medication lot its just something have to accept see top doctors etc got all help needed do not hide away have be out getting air its no use believing rest will help you have motivate yourself seen the best and still do in the business suicide attempts were were one stage very frequent one always recall was waking up mind was in intensive care my poor mother at the bed of saying her rosary the doctor said if wakes up from this one he may well be blind pulled through my life been open colourful very confident man used to enjoy life to full travel fun plenty love alcohol used to abuse trouble problems were always there locked up broke law never cared played high stakes with partner for 8 years never there just got out of big court case away while then drinking again happened one bad fit asked God for help 25 years sober do not attend meeting rather walk round park. all that finished got sober happy in my own skin partners yes had fun but unable to settle. at present