7 years ago i was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. When i finally got my depression undercontrol the anxiety really kicked in. It was so bad i was bacially a shut in, i couldnt even answer my phone and if the door went i would hide and cry until the person went away. Iv tried all different kind of medication from antidepressants to beta blockers. None of which worked. I was eventually put on diazepam and with that and a lot of talking therapy i managed to get myself to a point where i can comfortabley leave the house and started working part-time. I still take diazepam now and again when i need it, i only get prescribed 14 2mg tablets every 2-3 months. Therefore i am in no way abusing them. They don't make me feel "high" or "numb" they just help me feel less tense aka more comfortable. I go to work on them i drive etc and no one would know the difference ( I take 4mg at a time )
I have recently changed doctors and this one particular doctor that i always seem to get told me the day i met her "dont ask me of anymore diazepam because your not getting it" this is before she even bothered to ask about my situation. I have continued using them as normal but everytime it comes to my repeat prescription i get a note from her telling me if i want anymore iv to go in. I go in she argues with me i leave and nothing changes.
At the moment my jaw has locked in place due to repeat tension from me due to high stress levels that im feeling. I cant eat properly, bursh my teeth, and my speech is being affected. Im in a lot of pain and after speaking to other medical professionals ie my therapist and a dentist they all agreed i need a muscle relaxant. My doctor whoever is treating me like some junkie trying to get my fix even though she has agreed with me on more than one occasion its clear im not abusing my medication. She forced me to go to an appointment to discuss my medication and what i was going to do about my jaw. I will tell her until im blue in the face im not going on an antidepressant. I dont want to be dependant on a pill that does me personally more damage than good. I like to be able to use my medication when its needed and then put it down again. The appointment was a waste of time and she said "your just trying to get me to give you a muscle relaxant"
What part of this does she not understand. So the cracker of this while story i left with a prescription for cocodomal..... a highly addictive pain medication.
Does anyone know how im going to deal with this situation. My jaws never going to get better if i cant relax it, iv been like this for 3 weeks now. Im taking painkillers and applying heat but again if im not relaxed none of that is going to matter. I hate how my doctor is just looking at me like some junkie. Iv found a medication that really works for me that i dont abuse nor addicted too and my own doctor cant see that.