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Sickness with antidepressants

Stxtechxmps profile image
2 Replies

I’ve been on and off Citalopram for about a year now and I’ve just decided I want to start taking them again. I took my first one this morning and I’ve felt incredibly sick since. Anyone know how to help with this and has anyone else experience this?

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2 Replies

Are you taking the old medications you had before ?

Have you discussed going back on these medications again. Sometimes you may have side affects and will need to allow four or five weeks to get used to them.

On occasions it may be a different medication may hit the mark, there have been changes in medications and your Doctor may advise a change


MrRigatoni profile image

Hello pleasure to meet you.

Understand the concen over getting ill taking medication.

Always a side effect of any meds.

Nausea, bowel issues and stomach problems.

Dizzy changes sweating and other symptoms.

This is because your body is taking a foreign object and the defence systems the white blood cells corpulses the ones used to attack antibodies.

Use nausea the symptoms you describe to counteract the foreign invader.

Ways to stop this first eat small snacks bites light ones.

Be energised use to settle stomach plenty of water but also Greek or Natural yoghurt.

With added cultures bacterium in them losses often the case.

Means suspectible to colds infections.

Use after every meal I add honey another product useful to protect and helps the body has antibacterial properties.

Diet is so important must have Priobiotic or Prebiotic foods these raise the antibacterial antitoxidents levels in your bodies systems.

Not rocket science plenty fruit, veggies, nuts use PNB spread if allergies avoid, dairy yoghurt most important.

Certain veggies I include Onions, Garlic, Tomato products Lycepene useful antitoxidents.

Lean meat Chicken, Beans, Pulses Whole grains, bread, rice and Pasta.

Eat Breakfast eggs oats bread fruit as long it is nutritional, good.

Avoid all caffeine in tea, coffee, cola, chocolate, energy drinks.

Alcohol never use either.

Sleep patterns will be effected as well look at my post Insomnia recent days.

Avoid smoking.

Please if you not getting any support with this please be advised to do so.

Use mental health charities.

Give you lots of support and advice, wellbeing health information.

Offer floating support.

Main ones if live in UK , there may be local ones near to you.

Please ask me anything, happy to help.

Please take care

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