My state is considering a curfew, which will restrict me in the one thing keeping me sane right now- walking my dog whenever I want.
My friends are like my family- we're close in a way that most friend groups aren't. I have to be away from them all for at least 3 weeks, if not more. COVID-19 is honestly the least of our concerns, as some of my friends are struggling to secure housing and food as college students escaping abusive situations. I am currently staying with my mom, but she is on the taskforce for this crisis at her job, and is very busy. All of my friends are outside of walking distance, with about half of them staying on an empty campus due to lack of alternative.
The one benefit of all this chaos was that I was able to secure an earlier consultation date for top surgery- it would have been this Wednesday. This, too, has been postponed. It's still sooner now than it previously was, but this knowledge has done little to soothe my dysphoria-addled mind. Speculations of how long it may take our healthcare system to recover have proven more than enough to spike fears that I will never get top surgery.
I feel foolish and selfish for being upset about these things, but I cannot help but feel helpless. Who knows how long this will continue for? I know there are others who have it far worse than me, but I don't know what to do. If I cannot escape this situation, I need to at least escape this mindset, but I feel hopelessly trapped in a cage of isolation and dysphoria.