I love my child with all my life n I would do anything to make my child happy I’m a devoted mum i don’t go out don’t smoke or drink spend anything on myself but I do feel guilty for wanting that me time just for myself do I sound selfish
Do I sound like a awful mother wantin... - Mental Health Sup...
Do I sound like a awful mother wanting some me time
hey its not selfish at all everyone needs some me time.
Not at all! You are giving everything to your kids. Mums need me time too... we need to recharge. Mums may seem like superhero’s ( cuz we are)😏 but we need to recharge our powers and batteries too. We can be even better if we get our time too... please do not feel guilty for self care... it’s healthy for u and your kids.. help teach them to take care of themselves too.. sorta like leading by example!
You are not selfish at all!! You are human, it’s extremely normal to want “me time” and you deserve it. What would you do with your me time?
Remember you have to care for yourself if you care for others, so please make a little time for just you.
No not selfish at all we all need our own space and time I'm 49 and used to feel guilty if I didnt involve my daughter or wife but now I do things on my own as this gives you self achievement.you lose sense of identity if your doing everything for everyone else.do not feel guilty.
Hi Louise you are in no way selfish the role of a mother is a full time roll and as such leaves mothers drain so a little me time is a good thing to recharge your batteries! Take care and enjoy life a little more david
Not at all. You can look after your child best when you are in top tip shape yourself. Mentally and physically. So make that a priority.