WALKING.....: I posted on here a few... - Mental Health Sup...

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En1234 profile image
17 Replies

I posted on here a few days ago that my New Year resolution was that I was going to start walking again. I did this for ages and when I started back at work, I got lazy and stopped it. I had forgotten how much I missed it until I got out on New Year's day. My route takes me a good wee bit away from home and usually takes about an hour and a half. I try and keep up the same fast pace and when I have music on I usually listen to something really upbeat. (It is hard to walk slowly when you have fast music in your ears!!).

New Year's day was great. On the 2nd January I got soaking wet as the weather turned just when I got halfway round my route. Although I had on a good waterproof coat with a hood I still had to peel it off (although with the rest of my clothes) I got that drenched but boy did I feel good because I had made a plan and stuck to it.

Today I left the house even earlier and really enjoyed my walk again. I passed all my usual haunts. Saw the ducks, drakes, and herons in the water. All the different kinds of wee birds in the trees and I am more than sure I saw some sort of small bird of prey. It is a really large park and there are trees everywhere. I have known some people say they think it is creepy but I think it is the most beautiful place. I even have favourite trees that I have given names to. (I know....I am a bit mad...LOL!!).

One thing I do know. After 3 days (maybe it is "mind over matter"), I feel I have an energy I have not had in ages. It is true what they say about exercise, it DOES make you feel better. I am now ready to go out and meet a friend for coffee, something else I have not done in ages and really looking forward to it. I still have the weekend to get a couple more walks in before I get back to work. But even after work or in my lunch hour, I am going to try and get this exercise in. Yes, I will still have my problems and yes, I will still have bad days, but if I could bottle how I feel right now, at this moment, I would and would make an absolute fortune too no doubt, if I could sell it as well

I just wondered if anyone else sitting feeling sluggish and lethargic with that feeling of "I cant be bothered" today, should not maybe try this. Its easy, its free and it does make you feel better. You don't need to walk for an hour and a half, just a wee bit, then the next time, make it a bit longer and take it from there and DONT let the weather keep you in...

For a change I feel I am sharing a happy story with you.

I hope all my friends on here are OK today!!

Sending you all lots of love


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En1234 profile image
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17 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Well done. I have never been much of a one for walking for the sake of it, but did love dog walking my disabled sisters dog and found I had more energy.

Alas I can barely walk now coz of back pain and have to use a stick. x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

Awe. Happy New Year to you Hyper. I forget there are some on here who are not able to get out and about due to physical issues. I suppose everyone can find their own bit of "something" to help lighten their load but I felt I was getting a bit fed up with just moaning all the time. It just goes to show this site DOES work. The fact that I know that I can come here and post good or bad. The last few days have been particularly good and I feel I am in a good place at the minute so here's hoping I will be allowed to feel like this for a while longer. You know it can all change at the drop of a hat.

I hope you had a lovely Xmas and I hope 2020 is kind to you!!

Lots of love to you !


Congratulations, well done. Walking in parks and countryside can lift your mood and give you a more positive attitude to life. As long as you know your limits and fulfill your expectations


En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to

Thank you Bob!. Happy New Year to you and yours, and of course, a wee pat to Pax..XX

in reply to En1234

Thank you, Happy New Year to you and yours


NeuronerdDoaty profile image

I’m so proud of you. I love walking. ❤️

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to NeuronerdDoaty

Awe thanks and I hope you are good today!!

I actually slept better last couple of nights as well so hopefully I will sleep well tonight too. I go back to work on Monday and have had almost 2 weeks off due to the Xmas and New Year holiday period and my sleep pattern is all over the place, so looking forward to getting back into some sort of routine.

Happy New Year to you!!


Beautifulrainbow profile image

Well done, I'm glad your really enjoying your walks, they do say exercise is really good for your endorphins. It is amazing what you see when your being mindful, and to hear the birds is so calming. So keep on enjoying it. Happy New year xx

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to Beautifulrainbow

Thank you Mazda. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas and New Year too. I hope 2020 is good to you.. XXX

Beautifulrainbow profile image
Beautifulrainbow in reply to En1234

Hello hope your OK, how has work gone so far this, because I know you were a bit anxious about going back, did you settle in OK. X

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to Beautifulrainbow

Yes! So far so good!! I spoke to a really good friend of mine who told me that each time I go into a new job, I seem to be really hard on myself. I either don't think I am picking it up quickly enough, or I "imagine" that people don't like me or that I am not going to fit in. The insecurities I feel and the lack of confidence I have experienced are both things I am working on. I have been in my new job now for 8 months and each time I feel my black mood appearing I just keep telling myself that I am obviously doing something right or I wouldn't have been there for so long!!

I do still have wobbles and it is horrible when that happens, but I need to keep reminding myself that I am really lucky!! I have a great job. Criminal defence is really interesting, I work in a really relaxed environment with people who are really great and totally have my best interests at heart as well!! I have been told by my boss as well that I need to stop being so hard on myself. Its as though being stressed and anxious is part of my DNA. But like I said I am working on it!!

I hope you are good today!! XXXXX

Beautifulrainbow profile image
Beautifulrainbow in reply to En1234

Brilliant I'm glad all is going well, you need good friends at this time who can really be supportive. Well like you say if your boss is really pleased with you, and he tells you your being to hard on yourself, take notice and try to relax a bit more and enjoy what your doing and the lovely people around you. I think your doing fantastically so give yourself a pat on the back,you deserve it. Here anytime you want that listening ear. Take care. X

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to Beautifulrainbow

Awe thank you Maz!! And I will most definitely take you up on your offer. Its lovely to be able to just come on here and pour out. It certainly goes a long way in helping me to sleep better...

And remember that works both ways!!

Lots of Love to you!! XXXX

Beautifulrainbow profile image
Beautifulrainbow in reply to En1234

Your very welcome, and thank you. Xx

Thanks for the inspirational words.

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to

Your more than welcome!! I hope you are well!! XXXX

En1234 profile image

Awe... That would be nice!! Mind you if you were walking with me, you would either go home with sore ears or a migraine!! I just don't stop talking.. or so I am told.. LOL!! But that said, you would be more than welcome and I DO think it would do us both good!! XX

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