Hi, I haven't posted for a while. Lack of funds for internet access and a bit of a rollercoaster ride on my anxieties haven't helped.
I have got through the latest low with my self care plan. I have heard mutterings from people that self care is selfish, so not true. Looking after yourself and learning how you function and the subtle signs if when you need to take extra care of yourself is in now way selfish, in fact t in my opinion looking after yourself means that you are more than likely to be able to help others more because you are in a mindset and place where you can offer that help.
I am grateful for all the health unlocked communities I have joined and gotten advise from as they have helped me long this journey. Yes, I will have lows in the future but I will get through them and I know they will end because of what I gave learned the past couple of years. When I started on the forums I was in a place I only saw darkness and no hope, not now as I have learned a lot about what does and doesn't work for me.
I hope this post gives encouragement to anyone in that lost and dark place. You can get out of it, you can find what works for you. It may take time and patience and trailing and error, but you will find it. Take one step at a time and you will get there.
Thanks for reading.