I've been reading Black Rainbow by Rachel Kelly. I did find a parallel. Finding a way out is a journey of trying things, pills, different pills. Getting better. A self awareness of what makes you feel better, diet, exercise, social interaction, acquired knowledge. But not really understanding how u got this way. Relapse, greater awareness of you, which keeps depression on a tight lead. Less likely to have a relapse. From a personal perspective, its low mood, low motivation, little enjoyment, little social interaction, anxiety. As regards the medical profession, GP will give you tablets, offer a course, counselling and arrange an appointment to come back. But the level and standard of care is highly variable. A lot you have find out for yourself, regarding support, understanding. I was dubious about phoning the Samaritans but they were a great help and are there 24/7 unlike GP, counselling. Depression strikes out of hours!!. Baby steps to getting better, baby steps to staying well, things do work. I hope this helps in some very small way. Andy
Depression-hard work to get better an... - Mental Health Sup...
Depression-hard work to get better and stay well.

Yes that sounds right, there is no magic cure or pill for Depression, it's
Like a recipe
1 cup of excercise
2 tablespoons of love
I helping of good food
Pick cup of good company
I Rx of Prozac or such life
I spoon of Mindfullness 'ediTion
8 cup of friendship
2 spoons of common sense
I cup of hope
I daily dose of health unlocked forum
at least a rant every now and again
Glass of wine
Mix all ingredient together and if you still feel depressed see a Dr. Please.
I like this Hannah!
Agree with you Humphrey; it has to be a mixture of many things. I am sure your advice and book recommendation will be of benefit to many people on here and I hope you are managing to remain reasonably steady at the moment x
Hi Andy, thanks for posting.
I've been struggling a lot with this dark illness and i might look up the book and see if i can read more than 2 pages at a time!? I feel like i've reverted back to nursery with the things that i'm not able to do anymore!
Off for a week to the seaside. Need a bit of break from work and the area I live in Need a bit of R & R. Looking forward to just sitting down outside and reading a good book. A bit up and down if I'm honest. But everything passes. Cheers hope you are ok
Some rest and relaxation by the seaside sounds like "just the ticket" as they say. Hope the weather stays reasonable for you. Yes everything does pass, that is something I often use myself to help me through. Yesterday I had one of the worst days I've had in ages but today it has picked up again and I now have more insight into how I got like that in the first place (although no way of "stopping it" as of yet) That's the way the cookie crumbles as they say; we live and learn and progress as best we can . Hope your holiday passes well X
Blimey Andy page 149 in the black rainbow book its a interesting read I'm only on page 32 but can relate to the book .Hannah love the recipe idea made me smile