He has been like this for the past 6 months, whenever we talk he becomes aggressive and starts shouting. I am always so calm with him, and nice! So I don't understand. He is now either point blank ignoring me or everything is a confrontation (causing me so much anxiety I want to vomit). It's effecting my whole family and I'm just fed up of it. What do I do?
Sibling is always hostile with me. Ca... - Mental Health Sup...
Sibling is always hostile with me. Causing MAJOR anxiety.

What's going on with him that he's acting this way?
I have no idea, he never tells me.
Strange, I would come right out and ask him. Then tell him to change his behavior or you may have to step away from him until he does. How old is he?
He is 27 and I am 22. He acts is so hostile, one minute he says he doesn't care about any of us, next he wants to know what we are up to. I think he needs help, but if I suggest it, hell breaks loose!
Are you still both living at home? I would avoid him whenever you can and refuse to get into any arguments with him. Just tell him not to treat you like this as it's unacceptable and walk away. x
No we both live separate. We cannot just keep carrying on ignoring each other can we?
Well you do have the option of only seeing him when there are other family member around as well and avoid being on your own with him. You can also just be polite but distant ie don't get involved with his shenigans.
If you want to ignore him then why not? There is no law saying we have to be close to family if we don't want to. x