I have been diagnosed with chronic anxiety.I cry everyday and i walk around in a fog.I do not take any meds as i am to frightened to take them.I have a wonderful partner and two puppies that i love dearly.Why do i want out of my life. X
Ready to give up on my life. - Mental Health Sup...
Ready to give up on my life.

Hi why be scared to take meds if they might be able to help you? They aren't strong powerful drugs you know but quite mild ones. Why not start them but arrange for someone to be there when you take your first dose which should reassure you.
Also look at counselling too. x
Hi there
Well I can understand why you scared for meds. I also
But please for yourself try it
Talk about it with a specialist and therapist
I have the do the same because my live is a prison like this with ptsd Anxiety
Most people worry about the use of medication but they will help you.
Hi! The puppies are a wonderful tool to use. Maybe find some mental exercises like breathing with them. Somebody shared with me to place my hand on their stomach and breath to the dogs rhythm whenever I have anxiety. Hope that helps
Thankyou X
Don't give up to to go Dr and try meds it will get better just hand in there try think of all the good thing you have I know it hard there is a very good app you can get on your phone it called dare if free when you feel it to much play it it help to bring you back down
Hello Shelby
We may have a wonderful at home, although other problems in life may be problematic.
It can be caused by many things, the problem is only you know why you may have a problem. You will not take your medications, there must be a reason why you have been given them??.
Been given meds, you are not taking them, if that is the case, say you are frightened to take them, you will prevent possibly getting better. Take your pills, give them five weeks to begin to work, hopefully given time you will feel better.
What is causing you mental illness ?
Hi shellby
I know how you feel ..I have a terrible anxiety ....and some as you I don’t like medication..but my anxiety got so bad that I had no choice ..when to my doctor and explain my situation and he prescribed me an antidepressant..and another .and another one after that ..this is going on since November last year .. but I’m not giving up until I find what I’m looking for .. please go to you doctor and ask for help ..don’t suffer in silence .....wish you better soon ...Bela
I was scared of meds too thought I could be strong and beat it. Hang on in there speak to GP and maybe try something but tell your GP your fears