I just feel like talking to God sometimes asking him why he had to inflict me with a disease of unhappiness. Everyone looks at me and I'm always frowning and moody and I feel so small.. I just don't get why I can't fight these deep sadnesses when they come into action. All I want is to be happy,and not feel like I'm a burden to my family. My Esteem makes it worse.. Never had a girlfriend.. Lol.. I wonder if God's punishing me for a past life but I guess I'll ask him that in person on the last day
So depressed. It is making me hate my... - Mental Health Sup...
So depressed. It is making me hate my life and even my sister for having a normal life and I'm stuck with this sadness that does not go away

Try to forget the god stuff and try to believe in yourself then you might begin to change. If you believe in something that doesn't exist then it won't do anything for you, if your god was real and loved you then you wouldn't be going through this...
You need to do things for yourself, believe in yourself, make plans and work towards them, have goals, achieve, I've yourself reasons to wake up in th morning. Nothing will do these things for you,if you don't move forward you will always be in the same place.
Believe in yourself.
Whatever your belief about God is you still have free will. One of the symptoms of depressed people is they compare their lives to the lives of other people. We never really know what another person's life is like so there is no point. Instead compare your progress to past behavior and try to make improvements. It will give you confidence and can help you get better. Pam