Age?: Hey again guys :) i have a bit of... - Mental Health Sup...

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Robyn_xy profile image
16 Replies

Hey again guys :) i have a bit of a weird question to ask,

Am i considered 'young' on here?

I just noticed i havent really seen many people my age or younger (i'm 16), and i hope im taken seriously (this is something i read into far too much, and overthink about too often)

..haha, anyways, how are you all?

ps i'd just like to say thank you all for being so welcoming to me, it has been lovely to find a place where people are willing to listen!

-Robyn xx

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Robyn_xy profile image
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16 Replies
Stilltrying_ profile image

Heh ! Yes 16 is very young when you are 56 ! But there are quite a few younger people on this site too.

You are very welcome on here and good to get different age groups etc.


Robyn_xy profile image
Robyn_xy in reply to Stilltrying_

Haha! I appriciate that, thank you :)

-Robyn xx


From your information you are sixteen, the way you express yourself is young although we never really know as life is so full of blind choices.

You have not been on these pages long and so I welcome you to this group of happy campers, we have quite a few young ones on site, or so they say, personally I am sixty four in a couple of weeks, or am I kidding on regarding my age ??. Could be sixteen ??

All is not what it is these days, I always reserve judgement, age does not make a bit of difference here.

Mind I wish I was sixteen again. All wishful thinking


Robyn_xy profile image
Robyn_xy in reply to

haha, i assure you i am actually 16, in fact i only just turned sixteen a few days ago xD

But i suppose it makes sense, we never really know who it is we're talking too, tbh i don't think the age matters, i was just looking to see if there was anyone else my age on here!

Nice to talk to you :)

-Robyn xx


From your information you are sixteen, the way you express yourself is young although we never really know as life is so full of blind choices.

You have not been on these pages long and so I welcome you to this group of happy campers, we have quite a few young ones on site, or so they say, personally I am sixty four in a couple of weeks, or am I kidding on regarding my age ??. Could be sixteen ??

All is not what it is these days, I always reserve judgement, age does not make a bit of difference here.

Mind I wish I was sixteen again. All wishful thinking


Yeah you're young but don't worry we won't hold that against you so long as you don't keep reminding us that we're old, fair enough?

Although your words don't really sound like a 16yr old. As I said to you the other day it took me ages to get to the point where you're at in recognising having depression & seeking help. So I think your ahead of the curve so to speak. Actually as I think along those lines it occurs to me that in a sense maybe you're older than me in that you know yourself earlier than I did. Heh that means your an old fart & I'm the young un haha

Don't let the age thing put you off expressing your opinion on here, while the majority of us are probably older it doesn't mean our thoughts or opinions count more that yours. Yours count just as much - especially if they agree with my thoughts & opinions :).


Robyn_xy profile image
Robyn_xy in reply to

Yeah, that's cool with me haha! I was only looking to see if there were other people my age on here, as i've only really spoke to people older than i am. I don't think it even matters what age we are, the main thing is to help eachother with our problems, right?

I've been told that before, my mind is older than i am (not saying i'm experienced in anything, just that i have too much time on my hands lol) but i always try to analyse and be rational about things. I don't like feeling sorry for myself, and i'd rather think of a solution to my problems than drown in my thoughts (although, i must say, i do this alot.)

It must've been horrible for it to take that long to decide to do something about it, but its better late than never. Maybe i am the old fart hah! :')

I wont let it bother me, just wanted to make sure i wasn't bothering anyone on the site, and i was looking to see other people around my age, thank you for the reply! :)

-Robyn xx

Suzie40 profile image

A forum will only sustain itself with investment from new members. As far as I know, there are no rules about who can and can't join. A variety of people from different backgrounds makes for rich and healthy conversation. However, if I'm being completely honest, sometimes I worry that the answers that members give to very young people are not always appropriate.

Young people cannot draw on life experience and don't always have the maturity to understand things that older people talk about. That's not meant to sound patronising or condescending, but I think that young people need to learn from other young people.

The kind of depression that teenagers experience is all mixed up with hormones, peer pressure, growing up, relationships and trying to establish an identity. It's wrong for someone to tell a 14 year old to go to the doctors and ask for some antidepressants, but it's fine to say the same thing to a 40 year old. Does that make sense?

I'm not saying that young people aren't entitled to use this site. Ultimately it's none of my business. What I would say though, is that if a young person wants to enlist the help and support of people on a forum like this, they should be fairly open in the first instance about the age bracket they fall into. That way, members can be sure that the advice they offer is safe and suitable.

My experience of you so far is that you are a mature, friendly and likable young lady and I sincerely hope that you aren't offended by anything I've written here x

Robyn_xy profile image
Robyn_xy in reply to Suzie40

I'm not offended in any way, what you've wrote makes a lot of sense. The problems people my age face are different to what someone, say 10 years older than me will face. But it's a problem nonetheless, and we should all be abe to be suppported, which i think everyone in this website does -- and i'm really thankful for that!

I was only looking to find someone around my age on here as i've only really came across people older than me - not complaining, you all offer great advice!

Yeah, i'd agree with what type of advice is given, although i think a lot of it is to do with who youre dealing with and what the issue is, because it may be of some use.

Thank you for your reply :)

-Robyn xx

CarolineLondon profile image


Lucy's right, it's lovely to have you here, we'd just like you to be aware that at 16 it's likely you're going to suffer from depression and a whole host of emotions because of your hormones and your mind and body are still growing. Also you're just finding out who you really are, what your true personality is and that takes years!

So please don't worry too much when you feel bad, for you this may only be a transitional stage and that doesn't mean it is less important, just that it might be temporary, for you I hope that is true.

It maybe once your hormones settle down you need not suffer from depression or form any kind of mental / emotional illness (for want of saying it another way), in the rest of your life.

That said its always good to air grievances and share your worry and people here are very kind and loving.

All Im asking is keep and open mind.

Lots of Love


Robyn_xy profile image
Robyn_xy in reply to CarolineLondon

i do always keep an open mind about things, and as i've said before id like to think of myself as a rational person, i don't like sympathising for myself and i want to get better :)

i know a lot of my stress's will pass eventually, but that is not now and i will keep holding on, but i'd like to make a change so i don't have to wait for "the day" it all passes. Everyone on this site has been so kind to me and offered me great advice, including yours! thank you :)

Lots of love,

-Robyn xx

WantToChange profile image

You are definitely taken seriously, there's no need for you to be worried about that. Do you normally feel like you aren't taken seriously or that you are treated like a child?

Sometimes adults think teenagers are just moody and not depressed so it can be harder to get recognition for it. But on this site, no one will ever disregard you, you can be sure of that.

Much love xx

Hi Robyn there are all age groups here though I think we are all older than 16!

I am 60 and I must admit I find it very hard to answer anyone as young as you because I am aware of the massive age gap. The life experience thing is very relevant as well. I am not dismissing your feelings because I was a depressed child who grew up to be a depressed adult. But I know from experience that the teenage years can be hell because of raging hormones and I think some of your feelings are down to that. I am not saying you do not have depression but I find it hard to separate the two and give you any sensible advice. Having said that I do think the sooner you get help for your depression the better but maybe the younger folk on here are who are closer to their teenage years can help you best. x

wallflower_fairy profile image

Hi Robyn,

First of all thank you for your lovely response to me on your post and your input on my introductory post, I really appreciate it! It's also good to hear more about you. Sorry for not getting back, I've only been dropping in quickly. I've had a lot on at the moment - otherwise I'd post more.

I was 17 and a half (Gosh :O ) when I first became a member of HU, and I can remember wondering the same as you. There younger people on here - I've seen them bobbing about. :) I think if I remember correctly, there's one another 16 year old on here ('another-girl'/'the little one') who's fairly new; and there's also people a few years older and some uni students - like I'm 20 and am going into my second year in September. Some only post occasionally and I haven't seen a few people for a while.

I think it's good to have diversity on here. It's what we need and it would be great to see more people in our age group on here as I think the different generations can learn from each other. :) And be assured from me that you're welcome on here and will be treated with just as much value and respect as the last person - it's the spirit of our community. It doesn't feel that long ago since I was 16 - and I don't consider the age gap be significant, not at our age. You also come across as being particularly mature for your age anyway, and I remember being told that I seemed mature for my own age, so I feel we're on the same wave length.

Looking forward to seeing more of you around here. :)

Soft hugs,

wanderingwallflower xx

Hi Robyn

I was reading your post about age and the lovely replies you have got, you are very good at relating to everyone here, I can see that yes it would be lovely for you to chat also to other 16yr olds in the same position.

I just thought I would like to add this;

As the saying goes, age is just a number. I am over 60 and could easily drop the zero sometimes because of the way I think and act! But the one thing about having reached any age be it 16,21, 30’s, 40’s 50’s….. is that you can easily remember what it felt like being that earlier age.

Just the same if you personally were now to talk on here to someone who is upset at the age of twelve, you have your memories that you are able to relate to at having experienced being 12.

I entered full time employment at the age of 15 and can still remember how much older I felt at that age than I do now! Only the other day I was warning my daughter that she may never feel older mentally than she is now (20’s) as after a certain age it’s only your body that ages, the mind just collects information!

Depression is a term that covers such a big dark lake, No matter who you are or what age your suffering occurs it will not be the same as someone else’s and because of that we can all relate to one another, offer what ever advise we can relate to and all be here for one another.

You are doing the best thing you can, you are at a place you can communicate and that is very important, so however the days take as you walk through life, make sure you hold onto that with both hands tight, don’t ever let yourself believe you are alone in this world for one minute. There really is so much love out there that wants to be part of you.

Take care, hugs xxx

Annie55406 profile image

I don't feel you are too young to participate in this group. Just as long as you treat it with respect and seriously. Sincerely "put it on the table" as to why tou need help, and be willing to help someone else out by 'listening' to what they have to say.

Welcome !


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