I been feeling really suicidal last couple of days the voices in my head have been bad I sitting here cutting my self and I thinking taking pills try end it all I feel like losing my mind I can't take this anymore I feel I pick myself for few days nd then I slam right back down I am sick of this everyday I just want to feel normal again I think I am cursed in my life
**Trigger Warning** Feeling really su... - Mental Health Sup...
**Trigger Warning** Feeling really suicidal

Lynseyhot are you worse at the weekends as I've noticed that you tend to post mainly at that time? Weekends can be very difficult if you don't have support so I understand. Try and keep yourself as safe as you can. Are you making sure your wounds are dressed etc? Always call your crisis team when you feel like this. Also Samaritans 116 123. You will get stable in the end ; you need to tell your mental health team everything. Do you have any family or friends at all?
I don't have my family support and some weekends are bad but I just finding all this week very bad I been talking about some heavy stuff I been told it's going take time
Lynseyhot, I follow your posts so I know how you struggle and hurt. I'm sorry you're going through this. In spite of your problems I feel there is a strong person there who wants a life. You are fighting for yourself which is a very good thing. I wish I had the answer to fix it all, but I do think you will do well following Stilltrying's advice. Post daily if you need to. Pam
Lynsey, I see you post about suicide a lot. I highly suggest you go inpatient. It’s really upsetting to read how often you want to die and sometimes you say goodbye and we don’t hear from you. I want you to get better. Everyone on here does. We feel for you. I see a lot of people give you advice on your posts. They are really good and caring words that I hope you will listen to and take their advice.
Please get in touch with someone, stay safe , xxx
Hello Lynseyhot,
Sorry to hear that you are struggling so much. I see that our members have been very supportive and given you a lot of good advice. We are concerned for you.
Just in case you haven't got the numbers to hand here are the crisis support helplines details.
The Samaritans Tel: 116 123 [24 hours line]
NHS: 999 [Emergencies]
NHS 111 [Non-Emergencies]
MIND UK charity: Helpline Tel: 0300 123 3393 info@mind.org.uk Text: 86463 mind.org.uk/information-sup...
SANEline Tel: 0300 304 7000 [4.30pm – 10.30pm daily] sane.org.uk/
Please stay safe, there is help out there. Take care and please keep in touch.