Help me deal with this fear and anxiety ...
Help me : Help me deal with this fear... - Mental Health Sup...
Help me
Hey There,
What particular elements are you struggling most with? I'm more than happy to help anyway I can.
Hmm yesterday was fear of judgement , some of them today but today was mostly loneliness... I started not to care and I felt extremely lonely for some reason ..
Hi Ninadesu! I’m struggling too but hope I can give a bit of help. What has been going on? What is the fear and anxiety like for you? I find for me right now that exercise helps the most.
My fear is... this this one girl her eyes, I feel like she's always judging my action, I feel her eyes, maybe she's not looking at me but I feel sth ... it's hard to explain

Oh is this someone you see every day? I sometimes feel someone is critically watching me... I keep telling myself not to care and just do my thing despite the uncomfortable feelings. I know though it’s really difficult.
Yes, and she's kinda good friend of my good friend, and I feel like she's not happy and I sometimes not just feel but I know she's watching me ... and there's a group chat, she's all friendly to others but just not me maybe I'm thinking too much you know

Maybe. I have a tendency myself of picking people who I start believing don’t like me even hate me but there is no evidence to back it up and I tend to overthink and get paranoid... I hope you and I can both let go and just be... maybe get to know her better if you'd want to do that?
I was pretty close to her.. and she started to exclude me sometimes and that really hurt me and since then I'm just scared of her and feel like she doesn't want me to have fun ...

Oh I am so sorry about that. That would be hurtful. ((((Hug))))) Well her loss then. I think don't let the issue with her dictate if you will have fun or not.
What do you do to like forget about those issues, trying not to think about it ??? And especially when it is infront of your eyes

Good question. I think whatever you feel comfortable with. Just continuously trying to focus on what you are doing at the time could do the trick...But some part of me says well if you were close to this person and it’s very bothersome maybe ask her what is wrong lately or something like this. Whatever you are comfortable with.
Idk what I would feel comfortable with ... focusing on something could work perhaps .. I just haven't figure out how to deal with it

It’s a tough one. You will figure it out though.