I went and go by several names, can’t seem to get into my recent profile. Anywho I work for a nursing agency as a cna, only had 2 shifts with them. Today Im going through my pmdd days so I felt horrible mentally just getting out of bed. I confirmed my shift but while getting dress n putting on my coat I just could not go out to work so 15 before my shift i called out. They were pissed!! They said not only did another employee called out, the facility where i was supposed to work at may not want me back. And i am suspended from the agency for 3 days. Of course im not asking to any more cases for a few months. I feel super bad of what ive done again and im starting to feel again maybe I should ask for temporary disability again. I need to work bc I want to get my own place again with my daughter because I already physically seperated from my husband in the home and we’ve been biblically seperated for 3 years. I have an appt with my therapist tomorrow and next wk with my psych. Working with mental issues is super hard!!!
Called out 15 minutes from shift and ... - Mental Health Sup...
Called out 15 minutes from shift and company is super mad with me!! (Im Where_is_normal/Where_is_normal2/Sunnyclouds)

Hello again we have posted before when I replied to you at Sunny clouds. Sorry you seem to be having problems but please consider the words (see the community guidelines regarding language) you are using. Thank you.
It is understandable the company you work for were not happy as someone else had to go in to cover a shift on very short notice but do they know that you are struggling at the moment? It would help if they had an idea that you are experiencing difficulties especially if they have an occupational department that would know the facts without disclosing confidential information about you. Obviously there a lot of issues here for you. Can I ask does your GP know all the facts, would counselling help with this very fraught situation? It can't be easy for you and your daughter.
Perhaps some of our community members have been in a similar situation and can suggest a way forward for you. Do any of our members have any helpful suggestions please?
Good luck
MAS Nurse.
Hi Mas Nurse, yes I changed my picture too. What language did I use wrong? I never cursed I was just expressing how I felt. If I cant here then where else? Yes I know for sure I was wrong in calling out at the last minute and i accept total responsibility on that part. No I didnt disclose my illness and I chose not to. My Doc called and we will be discussing my next move if i shouldchose temporary disability. Thanks.
Yes, this sounds tough. It sounds like you really do need to prioritise your mental health at this moment and maybe work is just a little too much stress. It's difficult isn't it as I know we all have to earn money to keep the rent paid and keep food on the table, so I do sympathise. It's a balance isn't it but maybe a period of temporary disability may help you work on your mental health and it will be better in the long run. XXXXXXX
Thank you Stilltrying. Yes its super difficult and some people will just never understand. I do take responsibility that I should of never accepted the cases but at the time I felt better. Thats whats tricky about this, i have my moments where I ok then im not. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I realize I need to put work on hold for awhile and work on me. Thanks again!
I think I'd be quite cross if I was your employer, too ...
You’re responding to the wrong part of what I said. My post was about me having to decide that I may have to be on temporary disability. From being a working woman to having to accept im not working is tough. If you do understand its ok but please dont be mean.
I wouldn't recommend this type of work for you at the moment, maybe something with lower responsibility. An agency is not going to treat you as a full time / perm employer would. They have a remit to cover those shifts and I'm sure you know they need a ratio of staff to patients. Also is it in psych or regular nursing. Either way it can be a depressing place.