WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS...??: I have been... - Mental Health Sup...

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En1234 profile image
11 Replies

I have been on here more than once now and let you know about my job situation. As posted previously I went for an interview to work in a Call Centre...I was offered the job and told I would be starting sometime in April and that someone would be in touch (for those of you who have already heard all this, I'm sorry, if I am boring you by repeating myself, I can only apologise)...

Anyway, I know we are not out of March yet but I have still not heard anything and I telephoned the lady who interviewed me who said the date had still not been confirmed but that they were hoping to e-mail everyone (myself and 3 other people who were also offered jobs) this week sometime, and I know we are only halfway through the week and there is still time but on Monday I received a telephone call from another lady from a different company to say that she had passed my CV onto a company in my area (5 mins from where I stay) who are looking for an office admin assistant. She said that mine was the only CV that was sent and that it would be a great job for me. I told her I would be very interested and she told me she would call me back on Wednesday "regardless" which was today. Needless to say she did not call me and I waited in all day for her call. I went online and saw the job advertised. They had only posted it online today, so even if they did see my CV on Monday, I can only assume they are clearly not interested if they have gone on to advertise it two days after receiving my CV.

I have been trying to keep cheerful (tomorrow's another day and all that), been eating healthily and walking to try and keep fit and keep my mood up but it is really wearing me down. Today is the first day I have not left the house, have barely eaten and did not get dressed and have spent most of the day in tears. This whole situation is really starting to get me down and I don't know what to do. I have received no phone call or e-mail about the job I am supposed to already have, and this other person who said she would call me "regardless" did not bother to call either. Feel really let down and disappointed... Sorry for moaning!!

My mum is a very religious person and believes in God. She keeps saying things like "everything happens for a reason and God has a Plan for you - don't worry it will not always be like this"

Right now I don't believe this but cannot stop thinking "what have I done to upset God" so much if this is the case. Why does it feel like he is giving me something in one hand and taking it away with the other. I feel as though I am losing faith in everything and everyone right now...


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En1234 profile image
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11 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

There could be a million reasons why this woman didn't call you. Maybe she was off sick, maybe she forgot. It could be she lost your details.

Instead of getting yourself so upset make a vow to call her tomorrow. x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

Thank you. I obviously have got too much time on my hands... I am not used to not being busy and not used to not having a job. I know compared to a lot of people's problems on here mine is very minor.

I will get up tomorrow and start again. Will just have to be stronger.


hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to En1234

Not minor at all. When you suffer from depression and/or anxiety even the smallest thing can set us off. Let me know what happens please. x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

Will do..xxxxx

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

Hi there.....

I sent an e-mail this morning saying that I had noticed the job is now being advertised online. She came back to me and said she had "forwarded my CV on Monday and would be in touch as soon as she had received any feedback", which is fair enough but why say "I will phone you on Wednesday "regardless""....and then not call.

I get that people are busy and that I am not at the forefront of their mind but it may not have meant anything to her to not call me back but it was a big thing for me given that it was the first positive thing I had heard in days....so I was actually looking forward to her call.

I know I am probably making a mountain out of a molehill....Sorry!!


in reply to En1234

Good morning, I agree with Hypercat. There are many reasons why people don't reply, so don't take it personally. I didn't work in HR but did do a lot of job interviews and advised people on CVs and how to prepare for interviews. The job market is very competitive and quite impersonal....but on the plus side, if you are persistent, keep updating and refining your CV, seeking feedback, being flexible, opportunities will always arise. I know it's hard but keep positive. You will be successful ☺.

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to

Thank you for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it.

It is really hard. I feel as though people are just getting on with their lives and I am feeling a bit lost at the moment. If the company I interviewed for would just get back to me and let me know what date in April I am supposed to start I would be able to put it on my calendar and give me something to work towards. But as it is because I have not heard anything, I cant help thinking that they have either forgotten about me and I am not going to hear from them or it is just not going to happen??....Its like that saying "So close but so far away"!!

Its like being in limbo. I don't feel as though I belong anywhere at the minute. Everyone I know seems to have their own routine and the only routine I have at the moment is getting up, cleaning, reading, going for a walk, cooking, reading some more, bed (and it starts all over again the next day)..

In a way I feel really selfish because I know there are people on here with more pressing problems than mine but my moods are all over the place right now. One minute I'm OK next minute I'm in floods of tears then I am OK again. Its like going round in circles....Sorry for banging on...


in reply to En1234

Hiya, I think we all tend to assume other people, as you say, 'are just getting on with their lives' or 'have their own routine'. Of course, it's not true as we all have ups and downs and good and bad things happen to all of us. It's never plain sailing all the time. Just keep focused on what you want to achieve and be kind to yourself. We all need more self-compassion. Take care,

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to

Thank You..xxx

Suzie40 profile image

It seems like you've got yourself in a tizz worrying about all this and I think I'd be the same to be honest. Regarding the office job, it's possible that they have to externally advertise it, even if they've got you in mind. I'm not sure about the whole God thing but he if does have a plan for you, I'm sure it's a good one x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to Suzie40

Thanks for your comments too Suzie40. I am just so fed up.. One minute I'm up and full of positive energy and the next I am so low. It seems like every time I am "up", I am really UP but each time I hit a low, it feels like I am a wee bit lower than the last time.

Someone I know said to me "Go home and have a wee drink"... That made me think to be honest. Because, no matter what I have NOT got right now, what I know I HAVE got is the ability to stay sober.... and nobody can take that away from me.

Tomorrow IS another day and I will just have to get and be thankful for the time being for what I have..


(Sometimes its just good to get it off your chest!!)


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