Such a bad last few weeks been on my own most of the time trying deal with my negative thoughts constantly controlling my mind feel like I can't take anymore
Alone : Such a bad last few weeks been... - Mental Health Sup...

I know that feeling; time on your own can be detrimental to the way you feel. You can always talk to people on here if not in real life x
Its not always easy but whenever I feel like that (and I do a lot - no matter how good or bad things are in my life at that moment, it can creep up at any time), I MAKE myself do something. Whether its go for a walk, make myself a cup of tea/coffee, sit down and watch a documentary or film on the TV or just read a book. (I ALWAYS keep a book beside me. Sometimes reading takes you into a different world and can really take your mind off your own problems for a wee while). Get something you can focus on other than what is happening with you right now. Just for a while..
I felt really lousy one day last week and I went for walk and passed this man taking his dog for a walk. He smiled at me!! That wee smile alone was enough to make my whole day!! I don't know him and he doesn't know me, just a man taking his wee dog for a walk, but just an acknowledgement from a stranger can make you feel better. I walked along a bit further and I promised the next person I saw, I would smile at them (whether I knew them or not). It was a mother with her baby in a buggy. She looked at me, I smiled, she smiled back and away I went and so did she. Instantly felt better!!. (They may have been out for a walk because they have their own set of problems and just needed to walk it off. For all I know they may have walked passed me thinking I didn't have care in the world - but they couldn't have been further from the truth - although they will never know!!)
Sometimes its the "small" things that give you the most pleasure. You should try it!!....
Those 2 wee smiles made me feel as though I wasn't alone (if that makes any sense!!).
Good luck to you!!
Keep chatting (and keep smiling... )
This made me smile, so your answer to jamesh77 is working even through the airwaves
thank you x
Sometimes, when I write these posts, I tend to think about how I felt/feel when certain situations have left me in a state of despair. Other people pointed me in the right direction and gave me hints and tips as to how to keep going. When you are feeling SO low, it really is hard to push yourself...........but what is the alternative?
I totally understand that just because something works for me does not necessarily mean it will work for someone else, so I hope that nobody is offended by me trying to help in the manner that I do. I have been down in that dark hole more times than I care to remember. I'm not a medical person but sometimes just hearing of other people's experiences can make you feel like your not alone and not the only person feeling like you do, because when you are in that dark place you do feel alone.
If talking on here works also, then go for it!!....
It certainly works for me!!
I was the same, still am to a certain degree, but I try so hard not to go down that big black hole. I’ve taken to doing cross stitch on my iPad (it’s very addictive) but it keeps my mind busy. I pop in on the site every now and again and read a few posts but very rarely comment. I just wanted you to know I smiled too.Take care xxx
Cross stitch is not something I have tried before but think I might give this a go! I have an iPad but would never think of doing this!!
I will let you know how I get on!!
Take care and hope to speak to you on here again!!...Always nice to meet new people!! XXXXXX
Please see my reply to Suzie40...(It was actually meant for you!!).
Jamesh77, smiles are like prayers. It's communication. The person offering and the one on the receiving end can demonstrate caring thoughts. We need to do more for each other. Will be thinking about you until we hear from you again.
Hi Jamesh77
I am standing exactly where you are right away! I know how it feels.. I know it to the bone, talk more if you find it necessary, here are people who would glady listen to you with wide open ears, you are not alone
Keep it together