And to say i am bricking it is an understatement,i am still not sure if i am doing the right thing,but it's to late now,i have left my other job,and although i could probably go back i am to "proud" to go back if thing's don't work out at this new job.
If it does not work out it just means i will be stuck at a job that i do not like for a while,ive not even started working there yet,but already cant see my self working there long term.
The enviroment is a lot different to what i have worked in the previous 2 years(retail and part time) compared to this job where it is a warehouse setting with added danger of working with molten metal and machineary as well as being a full time job with shift work of morning noon and nights.
Mentally i do not know how this job is going to affect me,my last job before starting it, i was on a high that eventually went right down to a big low,that eventually led to a lot of self harm etc,then started to climb back up then back down then just had a mixture of moods happening.
At the moment my mood's are ok somewhat conflicted, but ok and its been like that for a little while i feel more anxious then i have in a while,Its been about a month since i last cut,my previous job was starting to get busy as well as now having this new job as well as weddings,and my mother needing to go into hospital for a pacemaker,my mind has been preoccupied with all of this.
Dont get me wrong the urge to cut is still there,and comes in strong bouts,but ive not given into it,granted its not easy. People are asking if i am happy to be starting a new job in all honesty i hate change.
I take a while to adjust to it,i have my routines that i like to stick with and when that gets changed it kind of irritates me,last week i had to do a 3 day course before starting this new job(fork lift training) and at times i was ready to walk out just at the fact that i kept thinking what am i doing here is this really me.
Infront of most of the people around me i put on a front "acting" like i am confident and ready for this new challenge,but reality is i am nervous as heck,and just cant decide where my mind is,with thoughts bouncing around everywhere.
At the same time this job will pay more a lot more to the tune of being 3/4k better off a year,and being 8k in debt,i guess to a degree i have my hands tied.
I honestly just dont know how to explain what i feel in regards to it all,it is difficult to explain the feeling,i have been fighting a battle with my brain since 14,and it is a never ending battle,i never saw my self living in the future,but here i am,still fighting this battle with my head.
It probably will be a battle that will never end,well not until i meet my maker,but yeah "i dont know" is just about the only thing i can think of to describe all of this really and not knowing is what makes my mind tick even more,tonight i will sleep very little.
My brain will keep ticking over and over and over and watching the hours and mins run down until i walk through those doors.
Sorry for the essay like post,my mind is just going a million miles per hour.