What do I do? It's that time of the year again the fatting time. I don't wanna get fat and I'm stress eating too. Help me please. I need to lose weight instead of gain but I'm only gaining.
I'm getting FAT: What do I do? It's... - Mental Health Sup...
I'm getting FAT

Hi charmerbluegirl and welcome to the forum. Have you had a look on nhs.uk/livewell/loseweight? There are some really good ideas on here, from eating plenty of fruit and vegetables to meal planning. Also, www,nhsukthe-eatwell-guide is also helpful. Swapping foods with more calories for low calorie food ideas are given. Meal planning is important, along with exercise. Joining a group with others who wish to lose weight is also helpful. Do you know why you are feeling so stressed and perhaps work on this, also?Please post on the forum if you need some support. When you are stressed, try to eat healthy snacks such as fruit. Are any other members of the forum able to give charmerbluegirl some tips, please? Please let us know how you are getting on. Thank you and best wishes.
From my experience counting calories and having a healthy balanced diet helps as does regular exercise
Thanks will try my best to do both but the thing is after a day of exercise I'm to tired to do it again the next day and if I don't exercise the next day I usually slack off for weeks. I just don't know what to do 🤔
After a day of exercise ? You do it for a whole day ? Gosh I do 2 hours a day and although I love it I could not do a day of it .. Sounds like you are doing too much exercise if you cannot face it the next day. I find I have an exercise timetable and stick to it Mon thru to Fri with the weekends off
I used to get cravings right before going to bed and almost developed diabetes. What helped me get over this binge eating was drinking warm water with 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar. Basically it kills your appetite for a few hours

Lol love it but like what distance?
If you can do 30 minutes a day then that's sufficient..controlling and adjusting to healthier meals and drinking water will contribute to Weight loss and most importantly feeling good..it's not hard..but it does take about 12 weeks to see changes..stick to the basics and youll achieve it..

Thank you I'd try it