I don't belong here: When you no longer... - Mental Health Sup...

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I don't belong here

13 Replies

When you no longer care about anything. Lost complete interest in my career, life anything. I miss me.. the old happy me. I am so tired of this world that no amount of sleep can take it away... #whats my worth 😔 #i want to just get better

13 Replies
TheGentleGiant profile image

Haj1, I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I know it's hard dealing with heartache and feeling lost and so unhappy. Our self worth is never found or dependant on other people. You are absolutely perfect the way you are at this very moment.

I've had three major loves in my lifetime and all three rejected me in the end. That doesn't mean that I'm not worthy of love and joy and happiness, it just means that those weren't the right relationships for me. I don't know if your a religious person or not but God made you to be unique and like noone else. He loves you completely no matter how you feel or what you think of yourself.

It's never easy when someone has broken our heart. We feel lost and alone and abandoned. Nothing seems to make sense and it's nearly impossible to find joy in anything. Please keep in mind that this will pass. You will get through this no matter how much your hurting at the moment. You will become your old happy content self again but it takes time and you can't rush healing.

Spend time with family and friends. Get things off your chest. It helps to get it out trust me. Pamper yourself. Be good to you. Put yourself first for a while. As. Much as a cliché as it is, it is true that time heals all wounds.


in reply to TheGentleGiant

Thank you, sorry for the late response i wasn't in a good place, i hope you are well

TheGentleGiant profile image
TheGentleGiant in reply to

I've been doing really well for last few weeks. Hope your feeling a little better?

in reply to TheGentleGiant

Thats great to hear, i am a little better, but wish i could get better and back to myself soon!

TheGentleGiant profile image
TheGentleGiant in reply to

HAJ1, it's understandable that you would feel this way. It's not fun hurting and feeling low and rejected but I promise you will get past this. He never deserved you or truly valued you and you really are better off without him. Maybe you don't feel that way at the moment but time allows us to look more objectively when we are more removed from the situation. Never let anyone treat you less then you deserve. You will find a man who thinks the world of you and would never hurt you, you just need time.

in reply to TheGentleGiant

Thank you, i am

Just struggling with the harsh words that were said which won't leave my mind

TheGentleGiant profile image
TheGentleGiant in reply to

I understand! Try as hard as you can to not let it take up time and space in your head. It has no business being there. The only opinion of you that matters is your own. Other people's opinions are worth nothing. Be true to yourself and don't let anyone put you down or make you feel less of yourself. The minute you can truly stop caring about what others think is when you will be totally free!

I know how you feel, I'm really struggling today, stayed in bed all day, feel worthless, sad, I cannot smile, I just want myself back, cannot believe how low I feel, when still on medication

Godiam profile image

Excercise releases endorphins which make you happy!! So does forcing yourself to smile even if you don't feel like smiling - seriously!!!!!!!!! The doctor won't tell you that coz they need you to be ill otherwise they'd be unemployed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in reply to Godiam

Lol nice comment

welly10 profile image

It takes time haj help yourself heal do things you once loved.do this for yourself you need to be selfish towards yourself.peole around who have never experienced these feeling will not understand how you are feeling.get proper counselling medication if needed.this forum helps read books about your problem.try and find out what triggers you to feel the way you do we are all different never give up good luck.also try mindfulness.

Hiya, as other posters have said, it will take time to overcome your current sadness. It may be worth seeing your doctor to see if they can assist and also talking to trusted friends, seeing a counsellor. There is no quick fix. You ask, what's my worth and the answer is that you have a unique value and we all would be diminished without you. You say you want to get better and I can assure you that, with the right support, in due course you will, and become the new happy you. Take care,

Igiveup29 profile image

Don't give up, I know it's hard but try focus on something else. You will learn your self worth but it needs to come from you, take your time. Be kind to yourself.

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