What's the point?
Why: What's the point? - Mental Health Sup...

Can you expand on this a little?
I think the Hitchhiker guide to the galaxy gave the answer as 63 (sorry just joking)
An hour glass with no sand
Sorry I don't understand
Thanks for your support ,
I can only describe it as one of the potholes we encounter on our , a cathartic experience that needed a few tissues . Something I have never previously experienced having had to tenaciously struggle through the legacy of c--p not of my making ,
Thanks for your response wilf
Tear's of sand
A hole in nothing
Does there have to be a point? Life is life and life is a gift. It was given to you to use how you wish, to do things that interest you and to captain your own ship. We sail along trying to find things in life that we enjoy and eventually your ship stops. It does founder along the way sometimes and you can hit the rocks but eventually you get sailing again. The best thing you can say about it is that you lived YOUR life the way you wanted to. x
Master of your fate and captain of your soul
To be. Restore yourself. Share your experience.
I find that a difficult thing to explain .
10yrs ago due to stress because you could say I had carried just one too many people and it was the straw that broke the camels back .(Through life i have always forged forward out of a hole I inherited which created stress through each challenge ) . After some more pleasant years a situation not of my making arose which once again created huge stress and out of the blue I had a massive seizure which wiped my memory (a very traumatic hospitalised experience) and after further seizures was diagnosed with epilepsy , my memory has gradually rebuilt .
As a child through past adolescence I went through a hard passage until I was master of my own ship and destiny , however fairly recently I have been laid up a few times and have listened too and observed music on my phone , a medium I have never had time for , but , one particular experience when I was 7/8yrs old must've blocked out my learning including my singing in the school choir ( at leaving junior school I was considered for a backward or as known now special school) the time recently of opening my interest in music must have brought about a cathartic experience the veils of which seem to have lifted
Yes it's hard. I think mine is to help others.
Hi I enjoy helping others as I find it a cathartic experience and it helps me as well. Sharing stories and pain shows me others are feeling this also so I feel less alone. I am also humbled by some of the dreadful stories I have heard on here and how strong and positive people can be in dealing with it.
It also puts my own life and experiences in perspective and I realise I have had a much easier time of it than many with mental health disorders.
I would never say it's my aim in life to help others though. I concentrate on keeping my own head together and in doing that I am helping those close to me as well as sharing things I have learnt about life and people with friends on here. I think to some extent you have to be able to help yourself before you can start helping others. .
I see the value of a site like this as more sharing and supporting so you know you aren't alone. A sounding board. x

Thanks for your support
Always good to talk and share
Yep x
I ask myself why? What's the point quite a lot. I used to think because I deserve it. Now I think it's to teach us a life lesson and make us stronger.

I certainly agree with you , it's a little like climbing up a rock face , but sometimes we lose a footing and the shock of the jerk of the safety rope we are held safe by catches us off guard
Thanks wilf🌝
I try not to overthink anything anymore which is hard to do for people prone to depression and anxiety as we become used to these patterns of thinking...we mull over things again and again and that becomes a destructive cycle in our own self worth. Anything to distract the mind will do even chatting randomness like I am now on here lol x
I mean myself and nobody else by the way not putting anyone down x

Thanks for your concern , my hiccup would appear to be a cathartic experience triggered by something from childhood I was not aware of , it just popped up by itself out of the blue . I wasn't looking back at buried detritus , however better gone wet cheeks and all that.
Thanks for your concern
Wilf x
You write well.
That's very kind of you to say so .
I had a very bad transition though school , my mother bless her had a nervous breakdown when I was thirteen and by the time I was 16 I had to leave just before GCE . I was heartbroken , I liked school . Because of earlier trauma at junior school I never made grammar school , but later mother was having psychotic episodes that made study intolerable . Needless to say that this did nothing for my adolescent development whilst hiding under the clouds of shame that the stigma cast especially in a one parent situation , however , be it ever so strange to say I feel privileged to have grown in depth due to hardship.
May I say 'Thankyou ' for your kind words .