Fluoxetine and not eating: Since my... - Mental Health Sup...

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Fluoxetine and not eating

jackie220166 profile image
45 Replies

Since my very bad reaction to mirtazapine drs have changed me to good old Prozac but since starting them ive lost my desire to eat and drink. I took these years ago and had positive results on them. Anyone else had this experience and will my appetite return

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jackie220166 profile image
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45 Replies


I am on different anti dep but did loose my appetite and felt sick, after 3 weeks I was ok.

I suggest you just make yourself eat a little at meal times if not feeling sick and drink.

Good luck.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply to

Thanks Fibropop only 6 days in so hopefully see an improvement soon

in reply tojackie220166

I hope so too 👍😊

Anna2008 profile image

Prozac affected my appetite, but I took it as a good thing as it helped me lose weight. Eventually though, I find, your appetite does return. It just takes time for your body to get used to it.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply toAnna2008

Thanks Anna just need to try and eat a little if I can and hopefully appetite will return cant afford to lose weight

darkshadow profile image

I had the opposite experience. When my anxiety/depression started, I couldn't eat as adrenelin kept shooting through my stomach like when you get a fright. I lost weight. I put on about 28 lb while I was on meds. Now that I'm off them,my weight has reduced by 14lb in 2 months. I've recently learned that antidepressants encourage weight gain. I'm living proof of that. I stayed 28 lb too heavy for the whole 10years I was on meds. I don't have adrenelin shots now but I do notice I can't eat big meals.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

Hi Darkshadow thanks for your reply on previous meds I put weight on too but this time around I have more anxiety which doesnt help the appetite im hoping it will settle down over next few weeks and my appetite will come back. Its hard enough battling depression and anxiety every day without having this worry of not being able to eat

darkshadow profile image

Would you tell us what the bad reaction was to Mirtazapine? I have just been prescribed it but have not opened the box yet. I am 2 months into doing with no meds.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

Hi the first few weeks on mirtazapine were okayish but I then developed suicide idealisation where all I could think of was ending my life to the extent I made 4 attempts over 2 weeks. The 45mg made me detached and terrible head zaps and stumbling 15mg great for sleep 30 mg gave me a great appetite but those terrible thoughts. Keep in touch if you do start mirt and need to chat.

darkshadow profile image
darkshadow in reply tojackie220166

I will--and thanks but I have no intention of taking them. I'd rather have a bout of tears and this bad fatigue than take them. BTW, is fatigue a part of depression--in your opinion?

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

Yes fatigue is a big part of depression its a strange type of tiredness as opposed to normal tiredness as its the mind that is weary. Stay strong and get through one step at a time.

Lizbett profile image
Lizbett in reply tojackie220166

Jackie, did you find you had sugar cravings whilst you were on it? I'm having problem at the moment 😣

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply toLizbett

On fluxotine or mirtazapine Lizbett? X

Lizbett profile image
Lizbett in reply tojackie220166

Cymbalta a.m. and and 1/2 tablet Mirtzapine p.m.

If you go to webmd.com you'll find a whole lis if side-effects.

Anna2008 profile image

I would say fatigue is definitely part of depression...

Anna2008 profile image

Just want to say I've been on anti-depressants for over 20 years...really wish I could come off them altogether, but am too fearful of the consequences...at the same time I worry about the long term effects...

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply toAnna2008

Anna ive been on anti depressants for about the same length of time and realise I will probably be on them for life. Coming off some of the ones I have been on was hell dont worry about the long term effects if they give you relief

Anna2008 profile image
Anna2008 in reply tojackie220166

Thank you Jackie

I had no appetite on it and was bordering on an eating disorder. Was on it for 4 years. I would just go for days then realise I hadn't eaten. Had to force myself to eat and even then couldn't eat a full meal.

darkshadow profile image

Good morning, friends, but it's anything but good here. I've already had my usual bout of sobbing. I say "sobbing" cos crying doesn't cover it but now each day it's the terrible tiredness that feels like I'm really ill that is worrying me more. It's stopping me from doing the slightest thing like getting dressed or washing my face. I have things I need to do like looking after my dog and cooking dinner for my sons. I'm so afraid that I won't be able to do this today. I'm writing this in the hope that I will get a lift soon.I'm an old woman of nearly 77. Is this the beginning of the end? Should I give in and start taking antideps again? I have a dr's app on the 23rd. What should I tell him? I don't think anything can help me any more. I wish I could just sleep away with no pain.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

Hi Darkshadow try gather strength if you can. I know exactly how you feel. I have no motivation and have a young son im 50 years old and cant face the thought of going on. Explain to your doctor exactly how you are feeling or call the samaritans to just even talk its got to get better im like you wish I could just sleep away the pain forever.

darkshadow profile image

I really think telling you has helped me as well as getting the tears out. Yes, I will explain to my doctor exactly how I felt today and follow his instructions no matter what they are--even going back on antideps. Nothing can be worse than this morning even if the sharpness of my memory goes blunt. Thank goodness my physical strength has improved as the morning wore on. I have got a big gammon joint on the boil, prepared a large cabbage and peeled a pot of potatoes. Miracles still happen. No doubt I will have another bout of fatigue later but, as long as I know it is not a permanent thing, I will stop worrying about it.

It is so very kind of you to bother with me when you are suffering yourself. I feel for you. I really do. Maybe we can help each other through our traumas. Please talk to me, let it all out to someone who knows. Love from Myra.x.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

Hi Myra glad your feeling a little better and managed to get lunch on the go. Im really struggling with depression and panic today and not sure how much more I can take been like this since april and no improvements this is my 3rd anti dep in that time and im scared it wont work im on day 8 of my new one thinking of calling drs to see what they say. My son is coming home for lunch he has an eating prob but I cant even muster the strength to get off the couch just now its soul destroying


darkshadow profile image
darkshadow in reply tojackie220166

Which antidep are you on just now, Jackie? As you know, they don't start working for a few weeks. Are you sure you gave the other ones long enough to kick in? It seems unusual to find that so many didn't work for you. Try not to think the worst of this one. I know how hard it is to wait for an improvement but there WILL be one out there which will make you better. The improvement will be gradual, not spontaneous. Just watch for the signs.

You are in my thoughts, Jackie. I'm here for you every step of the way. Myra.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

Thanks Myra im back on fluoxetine used them a few years ago and they worked been on duolextine citralopam mirtazepam and now back on flux all in a year also on diazepam and propanolol I know its early days but god it hurts xx

darkshadow profile image

I know it hurts. It hurts a lot. Of the ones you mention, I have been on citralopam and diazepam.Mirtazepam is the one the doctor gave me a few weeks ago but I haven't taken it yet. Citralopam is the one that robbed me of my memory to such an extent that I weaned myself off them. I felt like a zombie and thought I was heading for dementia. Diazepam helped my panic attacks but the doctors don't want to prescribe it nowadays because of addiction.I still take one (2mg) at bedtime sometimes. I was on 5mg three times a day for a week or so after my hubby died. It was a great help but had to be only a temporary solution. I haven't heard of the other ones you mention. I would imagine that your new one will work again seeing that it worked before.You may need a higher dose though. Persevere with that one for a couple of months anyway. Myra.xx.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

Hi Myra sorry you lost your husband must be so hard for you. Ive been on diazepam for 5 months now 3x 2mg a day and 40mg of propanolol. I want to come off diazepam due to the addictive nature but docs want me to stay on it as its such a low dose. Fluxoetine is the generic name for prozac normally I feel relief but ive developed really bad anxiety this time around. If you take mirtazapine it can be sedating on low doses do you see a CPN at all xx

darkshadow profile image

What's a CPN, Jackie? I didn't know doctors would prescribe diazepam for so long at a time.I feel that I would be able to eat better if I took diazepam. It was my saviour in that way in the months after my bereavement but I had 5mg three times a day for a few days. After that I only felt safe when I had them in the house although I didn't always have to take them.I still have a few 2mg tablets just in case I need them. I just know that I have never stopped grieving for my husband even after10 years. The world still looks grey to me. I think this is my main problem--this and a basic nervous disposition. I think deeply about everything and am very emotoional. I'm wondering why you have anxiety this time and not last time. Maybe your doctor can explain that to you.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

I must admit I am concerned about how long ive been on diazepam for im supposed to take the 3 a day but only take 2 ive always been an anxious person and worry about everything. CPN is my mental health nurse she is referring me to a psychiatrist but waiting list is so long. Im worried about my job too as now on half pay not sure what happens when that runs out ot if my job is safe. Sounds like counselling would be something you may benefit from have you had any? X

darkshadow profile image

Yes and no. The doctor twice arranged for a mental nurse to visit me but it didn't happen.The third time, a male nurse came to my house. We talked and he said he would work out a plan for me based on what I told him. The next week I had to cancel as I had a migraine. The next week and the one after that he didn't appear. No explanation was given. The next I got was a pile of forms to fill in but I thought I'd better wait till he came back to do it when he was with me. An appointment was made for the next week but, the day before, it was cancelled as he'd had an emergency the night before. That was about three weeks ago.I haven't heard from him since. I've about given up on him now. Absolutely hopeless.

Your job situation is a worry for you right enough. Let's hope it's safe as long as you need it to be. Myra.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

The NHS is an absolute joke my CPN cant see me as often as she would like as she is so busy. I often think she gets annoyed as im not improving. Im doing all she asks me too just need to keep plodding on. Hows the rest of your day been. Ive got a son who is 12 and has eating issues which are a constant worry. I try not to stress out but there is little help for him also as he maintains a low weight. Weve tried all sorts of help for him. They've told me my job is safe but cant help worrying xx

darkshadow profile image

Please try to accept that your job is safe. You have enough stress without that. Your son may well "grow out of" his eating disorder. As long as he stays healthy, that's the main thing. Make sure he gets all the vitamins he needs. I have taken multivits for nearly all my life. It's a safeguard in case the food you're eating doesn't provide them all. My dinner was a success I suppose but by the time I'd cooked it all,I didn't feel like eating it. I did eat some but not like I used to do. I had another bout of tiredness just after tea so lay down on my bed for half an hour. I keep having to do that now. There was a beautiful double rainbow near here just before sunset. Tomorrow is another day, eh? I hope you sleep well, Jackie. xx.

darkshadow profile image

Terrible morning--worst ever. Can see me having to take tablets yet. Side effects can't be any worse than this.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

Same here having a really bad time today giving up all hope. Maybe its time for you to give tablets a try. Im so agitated and jittery today its horrible. Just want to open the door and run but thats not the answer I just dont know what the answer is anymore

darkshadow profile image

Why are we like this, Jackie? Many people go through just as bad things in their lives but don't go to pieces. I'm convinced we inherit it from our ancestors. I know my Mum was on tranquilisers for the last years of her life and my Dad had a social phobia. He couldn't go to weddings or be in big crowds. I used to love dances and parties but not now. Can you think of anyone in your family who suffered these things?

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

My mother and father and brother all suffer from mental health problems. Ive watched my dad from a young age suffer episodes and my mum tried to overdose when I was young. Yes I believe its inherited and gets worse as we get older my mum is 75 and my dad is 78 and both suffer still. I used to be so strong and could cope with anything but sometimes life just becomes too unbearable and its hard to pick up the pieces after so many breakdowns. The brain has had enough sometimes. I tried to overdose at 18 but managed to be stable with a few breakdowns over the years but nothing like this. Its been ongoing now since last year and just getting worse and worse. Wish I had the answers xxxxx

darkshadow profile image

It definitely gets worse as we age. That makes sense to me. At the age of me and your Mum and Dad, there is so little to look forward to. Life is nearly over. That's such a huge thing to come to terms with, Jackie. I realise now that what kept me ok in my younger years was that I could look forward to something--however small. Now I see nothing but monotony and decline. Can you not latch on to the thought of something nice? xx.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

Im trying to but the thought of being like this for the next 20 odd years scares me. My CPN called and I have an emergency pyschiatric appt for next fri. If I havent eaten by tomo she says just to stop all medication but if I do that to be prepared for a huge breakdown just dont know what to do anymore xx

darkshadow profile image

OMG, Jackie. That's serious but at least you will be getting proper help. People who know what they are doing will be looking after you. That should reassure you to some extent.I will be thinking of you all the time and waiting for word from you. Love, Myra.xxxx.

scraggybird profile image

Jackie and Myra, my thoughts are with you. I'm 62, been suffering for 49 yrs, and feel my life is over too. Somehow we have to find strength from somewhere to carry on but very difficult with virtually no support down here on the south coast. Mental health system has been cut to the bone and if you are lucky enough to have a CPN Jackie, hang onto her for dear life as she's your link to getting further help. Never feel guilty if she thinks you haven't improved ... she's not walking in your shoes and should be on your side. Had to wait 7 months last year to see a second psychiatrist after 1st one was so useless I had to laugh at his unprofessionalism - totally unreal for someone to come to your house, just stare out the window (in a pair of shorts) and tell someone who'd just had a hip replacement to walk everyday to an off licence (er where?!) as if I was an alcolholic. Put me on a drug Pregabalin for anxiety (very bad side effects) and changed my ad to venlafaxine from sertraline (been on for over 15 yrs). Felt like just another name to cross off the list and on to the next poor soul. 2nd psychiatrist put me on mirtazapine as well as the venlafaxine - often go for 24 hrs with no sleep (not good) and hate taking sleeping pills. Also take 5mg diazepam when I have to because lorazepam (ativan) is a much stronger tranq and highly addictive if you abuse it (know from experience). Have weaned myself off the mirtazapine as felt like a zombie and it's well known as a weight gainer, like olanzapine and ametryptaline and if your unlucky enough to have mobility issues then you really have to way up the pros and cons. I would do anything to be able to walk my dog over the downs again with no pain.

Hope you don't mind my butting into your conversation but it really touched a raw nerve. Am sitting here with a blown up tree trunk leg after a knee replacement and now have a great DVT to try and get rid of. Hugs and love to the pair of you ... we WILL fight on xx

darkshadow profile image

Hello, scraggybird. Of course I don't mind you joining in the conversation. We must all stick together.You've had a long time of struggle and have found out the hard way about side effects.

Some mental nurses are just not up to the job.In fact they make you feel worse, not better.I suspect the training isn't good enough or--even more likely--- the people entering the profession are not suited to it. We all know of battleaxe nurses and teachers who hate kids.

I've given up trying to understand my illness. My black cloud suddenly lifted yesterday afternoon for no apparent reason and I am still ok today. They do say we can have good days as well as bad but I still wonder why. I'm not so tired today either and my appetite is a little better. Who knows what tomorrow will bring though?

I'm interested to hear about your experiences with antideps and their side effects. I had about 10 nasty side effects with Sertraline before it just stopped working. The side effects of Citalopram(Spelling?) were so bad that I came off it after about 3 months.I thought I was developing dementia. I couldn't remember much at all from one minute to the next.

I'm sure Jackie will be glad of your input here too. I'm waiting to hear from her today.


jackie220166 profile image

Hi sorry I haven't replied till now its been a very very difficult day. Still no appetite and no sleep last night. Ive just lay on the couch all day trying to rest but I am so agitated and restless I just feel like crying. Myra hope your black cloud is still away was so happy to read that. Welcome Scragglybird its always great to be able to share our experiences with one another. Im hoping to see light at the end of the tunnel some day got my pyschiatrist appt through for next Friday morning so will see what happens then. Hugs to you both xxxx

darkshadow profile image

Hi, Jackie. Good to hear from you again. I've not been too bad but came out of the supermarket today with next to nothing as the thought of eating what I was seeing was too much for me. I was hoping for some good TV last night to keep my mind occupied but Zilch.

What hasn't helped these last few days is that a friend of mine has been flown away to a bigger hospital with a growth of some kind in her mouth. She also has diabetes and is very thin.It doesn't look too good for her.

The best of luck on Friday. Let us know how it goes. Myra.x.

jackie220166 profile image
jackie220166 in reply todarkshadow

Oh Myra sorry to hear the news of your friend. I know the feeling of looking at food and not wanting to eat it. But well done for going to supermarket. Been a struggle the last few days was hoping to start to turn a corner with flux but nothing yet early days I suppose. Thinking off you and sending hugs xxx

darkshadow profile image

Me too.

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