Long story short, after a trip to the hospital, being kept in overnight, and a lot of doctors/nurses/orderlies doing their job, I’ve been discharged and prescribed a course of 20mg Fluoxetine. I just wondered if anyone has had and positive/negative experiences with this drug, and how you found it? Thank you! 😊
Fluoxetine?: Long story short, after a... - Mental Health Sup...
Hi Laetliss
Thanks for your short story. I really hope the course of fluoxetine helps you. People's experiences are all different that is one reason there are so many antidepressants out there. Were you given any follow up advice/appointment?
Best wishes.
Hi Laetliss
Antidepressants work differently for each person.I found that whilst I was on fluoxetine for approximately 6-8 weeks, I really struggled to sleep longer than 3 hours without waking and then getting back to sleep was even harder.This was my biggest problem/side effect. I tried two further antidepressants but each one had too many side effects for me to deal with ( I work full time)
Thankfully, I have found one now which works perfectly for me 👏😊Please give fluoxetine about 6 weeks to get in your system... don't give up... I promise you things always get better luv... keep posting on here any further updates so we all can try and help you get through this x It certainly helped me 😊😊
J x
Hi, thanks for the reply! I’ve been warned I might get worse before I get better, but I know I’ve got to stick with it to get anywhere. I’ve been having sleep problems for years, so I’ll have to wait and see - hope this doesn’t make it any worse. I’m really glad I found this app because I don’t want to burden any of my friends with this, and it gets tiring trying to keep it in sometimes. I appreciate your help, and it’s good to hear you’re in a better place yourself! ☺️
Which one did you find the best
Eventually I was put on duloxetine and propranolol for my anxiety. Working really well, thankfully 😅
I tried Propranolol for a bit, the only thing I found it helped were my tremors, none of the other symptoms like adrenaline rushes/panic attacks/stomach problems - that was 40mg though, and I felt no difference at all on 10mg! How have you found it?
Fluoxetine has worked well for me in the past, but I think it takes more than medication to improve or cure depression. I think fluoxetine has helped to make my life and my symptoms a bit more bearable in the past. I came off it at Easter this year (after taking it for 3 years) and I've been feeling worse since then.
I completely agree, but coming out of hospital I knew long runs and trying to be healthy weren’t enough right now, and it was time to give some different medications a try. I’m really sorry to hear you’re feeling worse, do you think this is because of the fluoxetine? Or unrelated? Hope things improve x

Yes I think I've been struggling again because I came off fluoxetine. I need to get my backside in gear and register with a GP surgery near me and ask for fluoxetine again.
Yeah, sounds like a good idea - good luck, and please look after yourself - make sure you do! 😊 thanks for sharing too.
I’ve been on and off fluoxetine for 5 years. Starting at 20mg going up to 40 mg at one point when I was not really doing good and back down to 20mg and then off. This was over a course like I said of 5 years, I found that this med worked well for me and I had the least amount of side effects on it. It does take time to get into your system and I also was taking lorazepam to help with my anxiety symptoms. This has been my experience and it has worked for me. I hope this helps. Stay strong
Hi. I have been on fluoxetine for years. .. intermittently coming off for a break when I had been on it so long it stopped working ... but ultimately it has been the only ly antidepressant that has ever error worked for me. As of each of the others who replied said, it hasn't stopped by depression, just made it 'livable' with xxx At the end of the day it is part of who I am x
Thanks for the response - I definitely understand what you mean about it being a part of yourself, I feel the same, I just really hope to get to a place where it’s under control - and hopefully Fluoxetine will do it for me!
Hope your alright, sorry I do not know this medication. Hope your given therapy too . Take care x
I have been taking 20mg fluoxetine for as long as I can remember and have not to my knowledge experienced any negative side effects I believe it has certainly helped me, best wishes with your recovery.
Thanks, it’s good to hear some nice things about it! Hope you’re doing well 😊
I have been on Prozac for 5weeks. At first it was horrible. Increased anxiety attacks, night sweats, odd dreams, really low days. At about 3 weeks something clicked and I stopped having anxiety attacks which was the best feeling ever. It gave me a sense of normalcy. I finally felt like a good old normal person. I was able to start caring about my appearance more and the paralyzing feeling of anxiety that prevented me from cleaning, cooking, going into public places, was gone. Also so far I’ve lost about 11lbs. My desire to eat isn’t there anymore. Sometimes I realize that I haven’t eaten in a few days. But there are no hunger pains. Also I when I am finally hungry I can only consume small portions. It’s helped my depression a little by eliminating the anxiety but the depression is still there. But I’d rather the anxiety go first. Sometimes if I don’t take my meds af the exact time each morning I feel horrible until it seems to kick in. I’m extremely thirsty. Water is the only thing I crave. I will say before the medication I over ate due to depression so I was a tad bit overweight. I tried everything for years to lose it and nothing worked. Now it’s coming off with ease. How’s it going for you so far? Looks like it’s been 6 months. Can you describe your progress?