been discharge from monro because I haven't been going every week . Now telling me I have to have home visits as I'm been getting worse just wish I could get better,I just don't Think I will 😢
I'm not feeling good😔 : been... - Mental Health Sup...
I'm not feeling good😔

Thinking of you juju .. Are you able to make any dollies at all ?
Hi juju im sorry to hear your feeling rough im sorry to see they discharged you how can they think. Its going to help matters doing it this way. I really hope things improve for you soon take care david
Oh darlin' I'm soooooo sorry you're unwell. Look, what I would like you to do is for now ONLY is ... bawl your eyes out, rant/rave whatever is going to help clearing some emotion out.
Then, I need you to view tomorrow as being a brand new day. A day where you can slowly start to make new plans AND new commitments to ditch the negative thinking and to start believing in your ability to heal. YOU WILL GET BETTER love. It's just going to take time, patience and work from you.
Now repeat after me: I ... WILL ... GET ... BETTER.
And again: I WILL ... GET ... BETTER!
Once more: I WILL GET ... BETTER!
Now, at the top of your voice: I WILL GET BETTER!!!
((((Hugz)))) 🌻🌼
Hi don't listen to those negative depression thoughts coz that's exactly what they are. It is your mind trying to trick you, and you will feel better one day. You sound like you are getting loads of help so take advantage of it. Persevere and have hope. x