All my life I've done everything perfectly as to not be a burden to anyone. I was always sensitive like that. Too sensitive. My dad taped his porn recordings over my kiddy movies. How lovely. Discovering how disgusting the world is at the simple age of 7. Apparently he abused me when I was a toddler. I hardly remember anything. Just that for the longest time I feared him. Now I pity him. My mums parents had a rocky relatuonship. Guess she ended up keeping the family tradition of marrying an asshole. She died last year. She had cancer for 3 years and I was her caregiver. One could argue I had a fairly mundane childhood. A few beatings here and there. But for the most part I was highly obedient. Until I turned 11. 17 failed suicide attempts that year. I ran away from home only to be found scared out of my mind in the woods nearby. Got dragged back home and was forced to pretend I was alright. Fast forward to my 16th birthday. I end up overdosing on alcohol and painkillers and managed to carve a chess board on my arms. This soon turned into an inside joke between me and my psychotic ex-bestfriend at the time. Once again I dusted off my doll-like facade and continued being the perfect daughter. I did the cleaning, the cooking, got scholarships and awards etc.
Shortly after my mother died I finally decided to go "get help". I went to doctors and psychologists and therapists - the whole lot. I didn't flinch a bit telling them exactly what was wrong. I told them straight off the bat what my problems were. None of them could help. One of them did entertain me though. Whilst debating the meaning of life with this particular psychologist - she somehow managed to admit life was not worth it. By the time she realised what she had uttered her eyes widened and the roles switched. Funny how you go to a therapist to get help but end up being the one supplying help - whether it be emotionally or financially.
So I recently turned 21. I have no relationships with people at all. The therapists argued that my lack of interest in humans stem from years of ongoing sexual, emotional and physical abuse. I already know why I am the way I am. I just wanted to know how to fix myself. They instructed me to do yoga, sing a song, write down my good qaulities and draw a picture of "my inner self". I've come to the conclusion that psychologists are by default useless to my endeavors of finding the purpose of this farce called life.
Maybe someone out there will find what I could not. I wish them the best of luck. For now - I'm just some nobody from a third world country that probably won't amount to much. Xx