Hi I'm paul and I've been suffering from depression and chronic pain for 4 years very bad and floaters in eyes and headaches every day my life has turned upside down lost the will to carry on no friends due to me keeping my self to myself which don't help I need a antidepressant but afraid of side effects
End of the line : Hi I'm paul and I've... - Mental Health Sup...
End of the line

Hello pauljp78,
4 years is a long time to be feeling like you do. And the prospect of continuing that way can't seem appealing.
I can understand your worry about side effects from antidepressants, and your worry is reasonable but side effects tend to be transient and usually at the start of treatment.
Many people find an antidepressant helps them so much with getting their life back out from a pit.
I have tried a few antidepressants and had side effects but when I have been very depressed they have helped me regain focus and helped a lot.
Please see your GP, express your fears but they're worth a shot, aren't they, if they help you stop feeling so bad?
Best wishes π
hi Paul, have you tried 5htp? Look it up it a natural serotonin, I've haven't had much trouble with side effects, my partner tried sertraline and no matter how little he took the side effects were horrendous, he had to stop taken them but everyone is different, I would definitely try them why suffer.
Note from a chronic pain person.
Its hard not to feel depressed when your life is blighted by pain. Try to get help to address that. There are ways to live with it. The depression may or may not be easier to deal with then.
As for pills. What have you got to loose. You can always stop them nothing is written in stone.
I listen to airing pain podcasts when I am on a downer.
Throwing one your way.
Get thee to thy GPs. They don't always have the cure but can help.
Good luck
There are loads on the site. And I find even if they don't relate to my condition I there is always something to take heart from. Even if it's only a professionals acknowledgement of how difficult it can be to live with constant pain. Also it helps knowing that I am not alone.
Is so depressing when you have done the rounds. Tried everything on offer. And they sign you off, when nothing else clan be done. It's like being thrown overboard without a life belt.
You have to build your own life jacket from the flotsam that floats by,