What Is wrong with me?: I am afraid of... - Mental Health Sup...

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What Is wrong with me?

Sadkitty105 profile image
14 Replies

I am afraid of living and I am afraid of dying

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Sadkitty105 profile image
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14 Replies
Phoenix2173 profile image

You need to talk to some one sometimes life becomes hard but you're not alone

paxo05 profile image

Please talk to someone.

You will soon find you are not alone thinking this.

Try writing down how you really feel, no one has to see these letters if you do not want to. It may sound strange but putting it all down seems to help focus on what is wrong and put things into perspective.

Please also get help.


Dreamer366 profile image
Dreamer366 in reply to paxo05

I do that. I've started writing it all in a journal. For my eyes only. But one day I may just give the journal for someone to read. Might help them understand.

aoconr profile image

Its natural to be afraid of things like that, life can be very scary sometimes, but true courage is not shown through a lack of fear, it is shown through the overcoming of that fear. You are not alone, so never think that you are. There is always somebody who is willing to help. I hope this helps you feel a bit better.


hgrimmer profile image

Hello Sadkitty.

I'm so sorry you feel like this. Where are you? Do you have any friends or neighbours that you can talk to? I wonder if you have pets, cats? I have 4 now (lost my Couchla recently), and I find my cats are great at helping me feel less panicky and more positive. Let me know how you are doing.

I'm always here.


I don't know if friends or neighbours can help resolve this. Kitty, have your doctor refer you to a good therapist. And if you don't like/or feel comfortable with her/him, find someone else. Your mental health is all important and needs attention that only a professional can help with. Keep us updated please.

Hello Kitty

Well both of above, we have no choice it is either or !

If you are suffering anxiety regarding both states I would advise you see your GP Anxiety can be treated.

For the time being please do not worry, Enjoy your life these states are all parts of the situation we find ourselves in. We have very little say in both states, we make the most of the situation we find ourselves in


secondhandrose2 profile image
secondhandrose2 in reply to

Good to hear from you Bob, how are things? xx

in reply to secondhandrose2

This content is how I am feeling here myself.

We have jut come back, taking Pax for His walk. It was nice and calm down there as the wind is really bad in the village.

We all need to take life as it is, we are always frightened of that final call, I feel the actual part of life where I may know of that negative outcome soon and what may be awaiting me is all just part of life.

I could be run over next week. I just need to get my head around everything and get on with life.

All may be ok !!, I will live till the end then ??

How are you ???


secondhandrose2 profile image
secondhandrose2 in reply to

I am fine thank you Bob, aching a lot at times and always when I wake and for a few hours after that, but generally coping well. I've been doing a lot of sorting and re-arranging things so now our study and my art studio are looking more organised which always helps my mood. The printmaking course is great, I have done five largish linocuts and will be printing those in a few weeks time although they are not part of the course. I have found that I really enjoy linocutting, it's therapeutic, so I will probably do a lot more. I will get back into painting again soon as well as I am missing that. Everything else is fine. I woke the other morning thinking it might be a good idea to have a lot of the back garden cleared and a largish lawn laid in place of the high maintenance shrubs and rose arches, I will miss them but feel better for having demands on my energy reduced. Keep in touch.


secondhandrose2 profile image

I think a lot of people are afraid of living, it is hard - and everyone is afraid of dying unless they have come to terms with failing health. It is part of being human. However the trick of living is to do it despite feeling fear, and that takes support at the times when we need it. If we didn't get enough support earlier in life to have an inner sense of being supported even when there is nobody with us, then we may need to find support from someone in adulthood, perhaps a friend or a counsellor, someone with whom we can open up and feel deeply understood. Your GP could refer you to a counsellor or you could share some of your fears here as we will all support you. Suex

Redhots7 profile image

Need doc appt ASAP ! Full Check-Up! 😘

Redhots7 profile image

What part of living are you afraid of ? Face your fears, one at at time. As you do , you will get stronger .

David196 profile image

Like many people here I have felt like that too.

I just try to do the stuff i'm not too afraid of.

Walking the dog.

Reading books.

Talking to professionals and some friends.

What do you like to do or have enjoyed in the past?


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