Well Here is the patient with PsA with A side serving of Gout and now a inspection next week to see if my hat is on straight ??
To be honest I am bloody sick of the whole medical problem I suffer from. The medications we need to take to control the PA are cancer medications with all the side affects that go with them. We take NSID medications for to reduce the swelling of the joints. I need to take antidepressant to control the nerve pains and strong Opiate medications to control the pain. Of course I must not forget my Depression I need further medications to control that as well.
Most of the problems I have are the worry the medicinal soup is doing to my insides, when I take the DMARDS they have a good chance of upsetting my immune system so when we need to take these sweeties we worry over infections we may pick up along the way. I am not given any more of these because of the contraindications and possible damage they cause. They still try every now and then
Next week I have to have a camera put up inside of me as I have been bleeding, although it has stopped I still need to go through the test, I suppose I am lucky they are going to bang me out. Oh JOY.
What does the world have to offer me next. Lucky Hazel has put up with this for near on thirty years
Sorry everyone I need to let rip, I should be in a more receptive mood tomorrow.