im sorry not being around lately as ive been having a few problems ! lately ive been crying most days and i cant see any end to how im feeling ! i find im getting morbid thought a lot especially if i spend a lot of time on my.own ! im meeting my sister tomorrow and shes been really helpful but shes also got her own problems but finds the time to listen ! we are going to see my mum also as she in hospital ! i just hope i cant start to feel better soon ! thank you for taking the time to read my post david
help : im sorry not being around lately... - Mental Health Sup...

Hi David and sorry your going to through the mill. Depression can be very
Up and down for some, so just take it hour by hour when your feeling bad.
Don't worry about not being around as we all can only do
What we are able for. This depends too on how we feel ourselves.
So no need to apologise at all .
It's good you have your sister but I know everyone has their own
Problems, so I can understand how you feel. David at least your Mum
Is getting the best care and just try and look after yourself as best you
Can. Try to distract yourself maybe do something small that needs
Doing and make yourself a nice cuppa too. David I will keep you in
My prayers today.
Hannah x
hi hannah thank you for your kind words i hope you are keeping well ! im on holiday this week but finding it hard to do anything so ive got a lot of time and that makes me worse its a vicious circle ! myself and my sister are going to see my mum tomorrow ! my.mums just waiting for the care package to be sorted out then she should be able to get home from the hospital ! as i said im grateful to you for taking the time to answer my post and i hope i can help you in some way in the future ! your in my prayers also david x
Hi David,
I'm so sorry that things are so difficult for you at the moment. You are a good person and you deserve to feel happy.
I remember the days of hospital visiting. It takes its toll and drags you down.
Thinking of you and please message me anytime you want to chat.
Lucy x
Hi David, Visiting a loved one when they are seriously ill can really have an effect on your emotional wellbeing after a period of time. Which off sets many thoughts and beliefs especially when it's a parent. It's good that you have got your sister to confide in but maybe somebody outside the family might also be of real value at this particular time in your life even if that is a counsellor or a senior faith leader. Also try and be around people even if that means going to the library or a café etc. If you are on your own for long periods of time you could possibly start to withdraw and become too self analytical which when you are depressed nine times out of ten you always come up with a negative answer based on partial evidence that you choose to believe because of the low mood you are in. Additionally as other posts have said you have no reason to apologise. I think most people on the site know where you are coming from. I do not know if you have been to your G.P. about your health concerns recently but again this might be something you might want to consider. All the best David. HT1.
hi there thanks for taking the time to answer my post ! as you say having a lot of time on your own can cause me real problems ! ive had problems with anxiety and depression for years but it got worse the last two years due to a brain haemoragee ! i get really dark periods were i wish i wasnt here but my sister has been brilliant as shes got mental health problems herself my wife has been my rock.! im just worried at some point it might get to much ! i just hope things continue to improve david
Yes I can see when you have something as big as a brain haemorrhage happen to you it will rock your confidence for a while. But you came through the other side and you are still taking part in life. You sound quite a strong person but at times we think we cannot cope with things but I believe(and I stress this is my own personal opinion)that within us all there is a core strength. I hear what your saying about the dark periods when I have them likewise I think maybe I should exit the scene. But at the very least if I or you had done that we wouldn't have connected to each other. It may sound a small thing but being able to speak to you has made me feel better. So thanks David for being alive for you never really know what each new day will bring(you only think you do). Best wishes. HT1
ht 1 i glad ive helped one person feel better ! i believe that the best person to talk to about these things is someone who has experienced how you are ! i know doctors are there to help but having can spend time talking helps as well ! if you need to to talk through the forum please do i david