Is it unrealistic the way bosses and fellow co-workers demand that everyone do the same amount of work? We're all built differently. To boot, many times, the way our bosses measure our performance is not very accurate. And what if you suffer from mental or physical disorders? Are you expected to keep up to speed with the rest of the employees? Is it fair you be written up for poor performance?
And if you go on temporary disability (due to stress and anxiety), return with a doctor's certification that you suffer from ADHD, depression, anxiety and panic disorder—and your company decides to make accommodations for you (to demonstrate how compassionate they are)—you return to an embittered group of bosses that think "What a bunch of bullsh*t! He doesn't have these mental disorders! I don't even believe in ADHD!!!"—and assume you're lazy. And so you're stuck in a miserable bitter environment again (with stress, anxiety and panic attacks) and this time you go on long-term disability. Is there that many cases of fraud that warrant this type of retaliation and unwarranted hate? There must be a better way to conduct business.
Curious to hear your thoughts.