I have recently - 3 months ago - been diagnosed with a mental health issue (social anxiety disorder) that I have actually been dealing with for around 6 years, but recently, I was so affected by this issue that I felt no option but to find some sense of relief in self harm
I am both extremely symoathetic and empathetic with anyone struggling with depression, and would never want to undermine the struggle of it in any way, so when I ask this question it's not in any way to trivialise depression. However, does this mean that I'm probably dealing with something more than the anxiety, which could be depression? My initial instinct is to say it's just a by-product of the anxiety, but if it was genuinely apparent that depression could be a possibility, I don't want to let it fester
I want to ask your views as I've seen from many posts that a lot of you are keen to share experiences and advice
Many thanks in advance