New to this as I have just joined, weird to read through the posts to realise that nearly everyone here feels the same as me, in my head I feel like I'm battling this depression alone.
Hi: New to this as I have just joined... - Mental Health Sup...

Hi Arcadia
Your very welcome here. Yes it helps to know we all feel the same at different
Times. Hope to talk to you again.
Hannah x
Thanks Hannah, it feels good to speak to people that do understand you, at the moment I seem to be on the downside constantly but hopefully giving time this feeling might change.
Denny x
I just wrote some and then it disappeared. If i repeat myself, sorry.
I have bipolar. Right now i am coming down from manic. The depression will come soon. My meds have made both extremes less debilitating (no clue how to spell that word)
I have a friend who lives far away. She is going thru deep depression. I am concerned for her. Family doesnt help. I live too far away to help. I have encoraged her to call the help line. Dont know if she has.
Does anyone have ideas that i can do to help her? I dont know what to say anymore either.
Hi Squirrel
Maybe just write a few lines like you have just said and let your friend know that you care, that you understand and ask that she does not feel alone in her hour of need and you are there even though at a distance. Other than urdge her to speak to someone who can help all you can offer is the fact that you do understand, and I think that counts for an awful lot xx.
It can make us feel even more helpless when we see someone we care about suffer so much simply because it is out of our control. Over the years I have lost countless friends probably through the fact that I had depression and at times cannot communicate, they try for a day or so and then stay well away and never contact me again and when I come out which can be a long while, I feel too ashamed and never look them up again. But I think they cared and wanted to help.
So I think if you can just keep in touch by writing at least when things get better for your friend she will know you are still there and have not ever stopped

Thank you. I havent heard from her in 4 days but every day i write her. I am hoping she is ok.
The forum does help you realise that you aren't alone. Even if it feels that way sometimes.
Sarah xxx
Welcome arcadia you will get great advice from those on here as they have suffered with the same problem ! Dont be scared to post as we dont bite ! David
Welcome to the crazy place, it's lovely to meet you! I know what you mean about seeing yourself in other people's situations. Always remember that there are plenty of people with the same experiences as you who can help you make sense of your world. You are not alone x
You are not alone arcadia as you have found out. This is the beauty of a site like this - we are all here because we suffer depression and can support and help each other. x
Thank you all, it's lovely to feel welcome : )
Honey its the nature about this illness, it segregates you away from everything and then makes you feel sooooo very very alone,,,, But keep fighting it, it willbe worth it in the end. you will have funny quirks and odd things you can or cannot do, but work round it make allowances, accept your not the same. your just you. Last of all dont hit yourself with it. Because others will do that for you. It will get lighter, and you will get better, you just have to be patient. Some days you will have bad days, some will be good, some flat as a pancake. but after a while there willbe more good days than bad,,, write how you feel in a diary. Then you can look back on it and realize you are making progress. Slow but sure. And if you dont go back to the gp, and maybe have the dose highered or changed.
Hi, welcome to the forum! We are all different, all a little wild in our own ways, and our experiences of depression are all different, but it helps to come here and know that no one is going to judge or mis-understand.
Carmela xx