Had a massive argument with my partner last night, long story short he said I cry for everything and that is why he never 'pets me up' (I could sit crying like a baby and he will just ignore me). I understand where he is coming from I really do, but my emotions are something that I cannot control.
He then blamed our house being a mess on me saying it was my job to sort the mess in question out!! He only works part time and I am not one of those people who will make his tea for him coming in (when I used to work full time there wasn't even a clean cup when I came home!) so I am not going to be doing the chores all by myself. He only cleans his dishes if I keep asking him and he uses this against me saying I nag him.
If he lies to me and I get angry he ends up saying I like arguing and fails to see why I get upset when he isn't honest with me.
I don't know what to do, he was the only person in my life who understood me, and now it seems like that was all a fabrication. I love him to death, but he will never give me the benefit of the doubt, I am always to blame regardless of the reason for our arguments. We are also struggling for money and he got a dig in about that saying I get more than him after bills! (This isn't untrue but he would never split money before so what does he want me to do? Also, I buy our child's stuff as he will only buy her stuff if it is essential such as school uniform, food etc he never buys clothes unless they are on sale and even that is very rare.
I feel guilty writing about him I feel like I am betraying him, but I don't know where else to go. My family will just tell me to leave him or 'make him' do stuff around the house. This will not happen I just need to learn to deal with him for who he is.