This one sounds really stupid and may... - Mental Health Sup...

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This one sounds really stupid and maybe not a lot to do with mental health but for me it does.

Luckyring56 profile image
18 Replies

I have had top dentures since my mid 20s and partials (a bridge) in my lowers for the past 10 years. This time last year, due to jaw clamping in my sleep, I broke off my remaining bottom teeth at the root in my sleep. I had the roots removed and waited for my gums to heal before going to a dental technician.

Unfortunately I have very little protruding jaw at the bottom and, even with polygrip etc., can't wear my bottom dentures without them falling out, especially when eating. Apparently my maternal grandma had the same problem but I think she was older than 57. She never wore her bottom teeth but it makes me feel very self conscious and embarrassed when I go anywhere as I tend to 'chew' my gums like I've got chewing gum in my mouth all the time.

It makes me look and feel old! :(

Is this a daft thing to worry about?



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Luckyring56 profile image
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18 Replies
fadedlizard profile image

Make enquiries about implants.Dont know if they'll be suitable and you might have to fight to have them on the NHS but do fight if you can. Explain the impact this is having on your health and well being.

I do understand your distress. My teeth are badly damaged after yrs of bulimia and this is a battle I will have to have in the not t too distant future.

Let us know how you get on.


Luckyring56 profile image

I am not eligible for implants - 1. I couldn't afford it & 2. I smoke.

Guess I just have to learn to live with it. :(

anbuma profile image

I have the same problem.mine could be hereditary as father had dentures at 21-nto sure why?tho private dentist said it was down to fibromyalgia and implants would be £10,000!!!!.my bottom ones are loose as my gums have worn down so much and I only wear them when outside and to eat.i dont think i could have implants as no gums to speak of.cant use adhesive on lower set but havent tried other products ie pads(?)

Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to anbuma

I've tried pads, they're worse than your money.

ThemysciraDrive profile image

I don't think it's at all daft to worry about. Contrary to what people like to say, there is always going to be a part of our self-esteem that is linked to how we perceive our looks. We draw confidence from looking at what we believe is our best the same we do from performing to the best of our ability. Dentures are obviously very culturally associated with older people, so it isn't necessarily surprising you feel it makes you look old.

It might sound trite or not useful but I find being just being mindful of how things like appearance and associations subconsciously affects your perception of yourself actually lessens the effect. Sorry if that's not helpful, just the only thing I have to offer from experience.

Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to ThemysciraDrive

Not at all...don't be sorry, it's very helpful actually thinking about it.

The people who matter to me don't even seem to notice. It's like the weight I've gained - no-one seems to notice that either, in fact some have asked if I've lost some weight.

I guess it shows how destructive vanity can be!

Thanks, wise one. :)



Photogeek profile image

Hi Lorraine

No I don't think it's silly or vain to worry about your teeth . We all like to look as

Good as we can. I think implants would be very expensive. What about going back

To the dentist and telling him the problem and see if he could make you a new set

Of uppers and lowers. It is probably the bite fit is wrong. Please do that and

It should help you to feel better

By the way nothing is ever silly here, we all have little bits and bobs.

Hannah xxx

Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to Photogeek

Hi Hannah,

I already had new top & bottom ones at the beginning of the year. The top ones are great but the bottom ones are just all over the place.



Photogeek profile image

Oh dear that sounds awful. Just remember what Themys said as I thought that was a good point. Would it be worth telling the dentist about this, as not wearing them

Together will affect your bite. Maybe go back to dentist with them as they are and

Ask can he do anything for you. Sometimes it's good to go back to Dentist with the

Problem so obvious, he at least might see if anything could be done.

Hannah xx


No it certainly isn't silly! I have had a top denture since the age of 11 and didn't smile again until I was in my 20s and even now feel selfconscious about food getting stuck behind it as it is so uncomfortable. The only thing I can say is it is easier now I am in my 60s as people expect pensioners to have some problems with teeth, bowels, etc. so at least I imagine other people would understand even if I hate it.

I don't have any answers for you, but if you have not already done so it would be worthwhile asking your GP to refer you to the nearest GOOD dental hospital ie one in a major city attached to a teaching hospital - you are entitled to ask for that within the NHS even if it is a long way away and you can approach the hospital for help with travel costs if you are on benefits. It may be that a specialist can suggest a solution which helps so it is definitely worth a try.


Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to

Well Sue I'll be 58 this year so all I can say is roll on 60! ;)

in reply to Luckyring56

Yes, there are some advantages for becoming elderly! Another one of course is the free pass and yet another are the reductions on concert and theatre tickets - not much but it's nice to feel there is some recognition of the reduced income. x

dora33 profile image

Hi Lorraine, I do know how you feel with dentures not fitting right! I have tried everything over the years but find fixodent to work well for me. I apply a thin continues strip of fixodent from end to end and it holds all day! I have used this for a few years now and would recommend this to anyone having this issue. I can eat just about anything including nuts, with no problem!!!! Good luck, I hope it gets better for you soon!


Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to dora33

Thanks Dora,

I have only tried it as shown on the leaflet, a dab on either side and one in the middle. I will try your method and keep my fingers crossed.


dora33 profile image
dora33 in reply to Luckyring56

Hi Lorraine. What I do is apply the fixodent as the diagram on the box shows and then use a q tip to spread it. There is a warning not to use more than the directed diagram shows as there is a zinc concern. Hope it works for you as well as it does for me.

Happy Easter ~ Dora

Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to dora33

The one I bought is zinc free so shouldn't be a problem. I haven't tried your method yet as I only really want to wear them when going's so comfy without the bottom ones though I wouldn't go without my top ones.

Happy Easter Dora,



Hi I don't think that's a daft thing to worry about. I have a very similiar problem. I didn't look after my teeth when I was young so lost quite a few. I have no teeth on my upper jaw apart from 7 or 8 in the middle so I gum quite a bit. I thinks it makes the face fall which can lead to looking older. I tried dentures but couldn't get on with them so I just make do now. I also have about 5 missing teeth at the bottom. x

Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to

Well you're doing better than me...I have none left now but it seems to run in the maternal side of my family. We all lost them after having children!

BTW - I've been meaning to ask you...are you still smoking? I am as I couldn't see the point in quitting with the depression as well. My GPs surgery are really good about it and never ask/tell me to try and quit.

It makes going on the BLF site awkward sometimes...I just try not to mention it.

Hope you have a good weekend,



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