Uncircumcised penis (?) : Hi, I believe I... - Men's Health Forum

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Uncircumcised penis (?)

20 Replies

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Hi, I believe I was never circumcised but the foreskin goes behind the head when erect (and usually non erect as well) but sometimes when it isn't erect the foreskin covers a bit of the head like shown in the image below.

Is this normal?

20 Replies
Cipher profile image

If it covers a bit of the head as in the part that is right next to your shaft that is fine and normal, when flaccid sometimes the skin can cover that part of the head as it is more submerged.

To me it looks circumcised, however unclear that picture is. An uncircumcised penis head would be covered completely (the whole glans).

jimfromcalif profile image

It’s hard to tell in the picture if you’ve been circumcised. Some intact guys have short foreskins.

Blaxr profile image

It is hard to tell from your pic if you are circumcised or not. Can you pull the skin to cover the head when flaccid, and if so does it stay covered. Also can you see a scar?

in reply to Blaxr

Yes, I can but it doesn't stay covered and I Have no scar

Blaxr profile image

Further to my last message. Has your foreskin ever covered your head? Some guys can grow out of their foreskin a puberty and can then appear circumcised with an uncovered glans post puberty.

in reply to Blaxr

It used to cover yeah, but now it doesn't

Blaxr profile image
Blaxr in reply to

Hey. So did this like happen overnight? - or was it a gradual thing that you could no longer cover the head?

in reply to Blaxr

I'm not sure but I believe it was gradual

Blaxr profile image
Blaxr in reply to

so it hasn't just got stuck or anything then was my concern. Im guessing your glans just outgrew your skin when your penis grew at puberty. Is that when this happened?

in reply to Blaxr

I'm really not sure but it was probably around that time..

When I was 13/14/15

Blaxr profile image
Blaxr in reply to

Well that would sound about right then that you outgrew it. Im guessing this would have been uncomfortable having to get used to an exposed glans. A bit like being circumcised. But I did read about this happening to guys so it sounds normal.

in reply to Blaxr

Yes it was a bit haha.

Thanks for the help tho, really appreciate it

Blaxr profile image
Blaxr in reply to

Ye I thought it would have been uncomfortable. I'm guessing you tried to keep it covered and failed in the end..lol

From what I read this does happen to some guys. I'll try and find the link

in reply to Blaxr

If you can please send

Blaxr profile image
Blaxr in reply to


Ryanr profile image

It looks like you’ve been circumcised but at the same time the ring around your glans looks very purple almost like the bloods been cut off from it, does it hurt when erect ?

in reply to Ryanr

Nope, doesn't hurt at all

Hi BinoMM,

My guess is that you (and myself) have a 'condition' which I have heard and seen referred to as "uncircumcised, rolled back".

It was a urologist (who I was seeing for an unrelated matter) who initially told me this and he reassured me that it was a real thing and that it wasn't a problem.

Unlike you, my foreskin covers almost all of my penis head when flaccid and there's enough foreskin that I can stretch it to fully cover the head for laughs. This difference may simply be because I have a 'grower' penis (ie. 3" flaccid/6" erect).

If there's currently no pain or hassle for you then I think you can consider yourself a very lucky man. Like me, you didn't have to sacrifice any skin to get a helmet head! You and your penis should go out and party! ;-)

LOL - We are not alone. Google "uncircumcised, rolled back" for some other stories...

P.S. For anyone reading this. IF there's no pain or blood or other physiological issue THEN do not worry about the 'how' you got your magnificent 'uncircumcised, rolled back' penis. This is NOT a problem. REALLY. Do not let this F with your mind (I speak from bitter experience).

If you are worried about whether chicks will dig your dong then spend a few solid days looking at vaginas and penises on the internet. You'll get the big picture and get over it.


Ire_cali profile image

Mine looked like that too.I was recently circumcision, 17 days ago. I had really short forskin to begin with. People who saw it didn't know I wasn't circumciced including my gf of 4 years lol. When I was soft the skin stayed back as well the head was always exposed. Easy way to tell is check if you still have the frenulum or even ask your parents.

My cousin has his foreskin, but it looks circumcised. He can roll the skin over the head, but it rolls back on its own after a number of seconds.

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