I have been experiencing very strange symptoms over the past month.
I have been having skipped heart beats which often feel painful. They occur most frequently on the evening, after I've eaten, and when I'm lying on my back, but it seems to happen at random and there's nothing I can do to induce them. It seems to be arising from my stomach/abdomen region.
GP has performed ECG and blood tests which were all normal. Had an Echo performed on my heart about 7 years ago which was normal, but have since had COVID a few times. I'm currently waiting on a 24h heart monitor to be scheduled, but god knows how long that will take.
On a couple of occasions, I've experienced this bizarre sudden nausea. I'll be walking along, and instantly I get hit with that spinning sensation, hypersalivation, and pressure in my stomach that you get before you throw up, but after two minutes it just vanishes.
I'm used to having stomach pains and problems, which doctors in the past have waved away as anxiety-related IBS, but I've never had any serious investigations, and these symptoms feel different.
Possibly unrelated, but I have developed what seems to be Psoriasis over the summer. No concrete diagnosis as GPs will just prescribe creams and wave you away. No tests performed.
Apologies if I have written this in the wrong forum or formatted incorrectly, it is my first time posting here.