Hi there, coming here as I’m at my wits end; incredibly anxious and nervous about my ongoing health concerns, so please be kind.
In September I was rushed to A&E with extreme testicular pain and a constant urge to urinate. After an exploration operation, I was diagnosed with epidydimo orchitis and sent home with a month off work. This entire time the urge remained, so I was back and forth between home and the GP. I’ve found myself in a constant circle between 111, GP, and A&E - all sending me to the next person not wanting to deal with me. To date, I have been on three separate antibiotic courses and not actually seen a specialist urologist, just consultants and GPs. This has been extremely frustrating, as not only has my physical life been impacted but mental too. I recently was let go from my job as my performance dipped due to lack of concentration and ongoing sick days. I am unsure where to turn or what advice to take. Please if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear. Thank you.