Hey guys, so after Circumcision, I was circumcised 9 weeks ago. When I was uncircumcised I was able to masturbate and ejaculate within minutes if I wanted, however since recovery and beginning tk recover, firstly I am so much less sexually frustrated, so much so that I can actually go a whole week without wanting to masturbate which has its pros but to be that sexually neutral is worrisome for me.
Masturbating takes longer too, sometimes even 30-40 minutes, is this normal?
During sex as well, I am unable to climax, I don't have that urge to ejaculate, I become sexually frustrated because I haven't come near ejaculating to the way I do when I masturbate solo.
Can anyone offer advice on this please on what I can do.
How long before I am back to how I was before I was circumcised?
I appreciate all your guys help.