Hi I've been straining lately to pass urine which I've also been experiencing burning pain. Just an hour ago when I was straining to pass urine a big white clump came from my penis. Obviously semen but it's just never happened before so not normal for me. I've had a burning pain for around a month. STD tests came back negative. Any idea what it could be?
Straining to pee!: Hi I've been straining... - Men's Health Forum
Straining to pee!
Sorry to hear about your difficulties . Obviously you need to get it checked out by a health professional but I have recently had similar symptoms. I have BPH and assumed it was probably that but my doctor did a urinary ultrasound and it turned out to be very small kidney stones which caused the symptoms you describe.
get an appointment booked with your Doctor and discuss your symptoms
maybe it wasn’t semen… see your doc.
go to see your GP urgent
as others have said you need further investigations with a healthcare professional - either a GP or an urologist. It is not normal for semen to come out as a clump when peeing.
Thank you for all the replies people. I'm tired tbh I've had pelvic and burning pain for quite a while. I've had a prostate MRI which was normal. Kidneys checked ect ect. It's hard to keep pushing when you're getting absolutely no answers.
Possibly prostatitis...
Are you drinking enough water and moving around?
I normally don't have an issue however, if I find myself focused on university work for most of the day and I am sat down for the majority of it, along with not taking enough water, there will be a slight burning sensation when I pee the following days as well as small white clumps which are not semen.
When I notice this, I begin to track my water intake and ensure I drink a lot - around 2000-3000ml. In addition to moving around every 30 minutes when I am doing a lot of work sat down. It disappears in the evening or a few hours after drinking a lot and regularly going to the toilet.